
Saul I. Gass

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21EESaul I. Gass, Sasirekha Vinjamuri: Erratum to "Cycling in linear programming problems" [Computers and Operations Research 31 (2002) 303-311]. Computers & OR 33: 2445- (2006)
20EESaul I. Gass, Sasirekha Vinjamuri: Cycling in linear programming problems. Computers & OR 31(2): 303-311 (2004)
19EESaul I. Gass, Christoph Witzgall: On an approximate minimax circle closest to a set of points. Computers & OR 31(4): 637-643 (2004)
18EESaul I. Gass, Tamás Rapcsák: Singular value decomposition in AHP. European Journal of Operational Research 154(3): 573-584 (2004)
17EELawrence Bodin, Saul I. Gass: On teaching the analytic hierarchy process. Computers & OR 30(10): 1487-1497 (2003)
16EESaul I. Gass, Pallabi Guha Roy: The compromise hypersphere for multiobjective linear programming. European Journal of Operational Research 144(3): 459-479 (2003)
15EEAlbert Jones, Saul I. Gass: Introduction. Information Systems Frontiers 3(4): 399-401 (2001)
14EESaul I. Gass, Donald Gross: In Memoriam: Carl M. Harris. INFORMS Journal on Computing 12(4): 257-260 (2000)
13EESaul I. Gass, Pablo M. R. Zafra: Modified fictitious play for solving matrix games and linear-programming problems. Computers & OR 22(9): 893-903 (1995)
12EENoel Bryson, Saul I. Gass: Solving discrete stochastic linear programs with simple recourse by the dualplex algorithm. Computers & OR 21(1): 11-17 (1994)
11EESaul I. Gass: Military manpower planning models. Computers & OR 18(1): 65-73 (1991)
10EESaul I. Gass: OR in the real world: How things go wrong. Computers & OR 18(7): 629-632 (1991)
9EESaul I. Gass: The setting of weights in linear goal-programming problems. Computers & OR 14(3): 227-229 (1987)
8EESaul I. Gass: On the solution of linear-programming problems with free (unrestricted) variables. Computers & OR 12(3): 265-271 (1985)
7 Saul I. Gass, Karla L. Hoffman, Richard Henry Frymuth Jackson, Lambert S. Joel, Patsy B. Saunders: Documentation for a Model: A Hierarchical Approach. Commun. ACM 24(11): 728-733 (1981)
6EESaul I. Gass, Lambert S. Joel: Concepts of model confidence. Computers & OR 8(4): 341-346 (1981)
5EESaul I. Gass, Nancy A. David, Robert H. Cronin: To cb or not to cb: a simulation model for analyzing the role of citizens band radio in traffic safety. Computers & OR 6(2): 99-111 (1979)
4EESaul I. Gass: Evaluation of complex models. Computers & OR 4(1): 27-35 (1977)
3 Saul I. Gass: The Dualplex Method Applied to Special Linear Programs. IFIP Congress (2) 1971: 1317-1323
2EESaul I. Gass, Joseph K. Slap: National ACM membership survey. Commun. ACM 5(9): 470-472 (1962)
1 Saul I. Gass: Recent Developments in Linear Programming. Advances in Computers 2: 295-377 (1961)

Coauthor Index

1Lawrence Bodin [17]
2Robert H. Cronin [5]
3Nancy A. David [5]
4Donald Gross [14]
5Karla L. Hoffman [7]
6Richard Henry Frymuth Jackson [7]
7Lambert S. Joel [6] [7]
8Albert Jones [15]
9Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson (Noel Kweku-Muata Bryson, Noel Bryson) [12]
10Tamás Rapcsák [18]
11Pallabi Guha Roy [16]
12Patsy B. Saunders [7]
13Joseph K. Slap [2]
14Sasirekha Vinjamuri [20] [21]
15Christoph Witzgall [19]
16Pablo M. R. Zafra [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)