
Nancy A. David

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3EEJames Theiler, Neal R. Harvey, Nancy A. David, John M. Irvine: Approach to Target Detection based on Relevant Metric for Scoring Performance. AIPR 2004: 184-189
2EENaomi M. Becker, Steven P. Brumby, Nancy A. David, John M. Irvine: Analysis Of Multispectral Imagery And Modeling Contaminant Transport. AIPR 2002: 71-77
1EESaul I. Gass, Nancy A. David, Robert H. Cronin: To cb or not to cb: a simulation model for analyzing the role of citizens band radio in traffic safety. Computers & OR 6(2): 99-111 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Naomi M. Becker [2]
2Steven P. Brumby [2]
3Robert H. Cronin [1]
4Saul I. Gass [1]
5Neal R. Harvey [3]
6John M. Irvine [2] [3]
7James Theiler [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)