
Emi Garcia-Palacios

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3EEEmi Garcia-Palacios, Motasem Abdelghani, Asad Hussain, Steven Walsh: Assessing Capacity in WLAN-UMTS Integrated Networks. AICT/SAPIR/ELETE 2005: 189-194
2EEEmi Garcia-Palacios, Sakir Sezer, Ciaran Toal, Stephen Dawson: Implementation of a Novel Credit Based SCFQ Scheduler for Broadband Wireless Access. ICT 2004: 876-884
1 Alan Marshall, Emi Garcia-Palacios, Sakir Sezer, David Chieng: Performance Analysis of Access Points In Cellular Wireless ATM Networks. MMNS 2000: 31-44

Coauthor Index

1Motasem Abdelghani [3]
2David Chieng [1]
3Stephen Dawson [2]
4Asad Hussain [3]
5Alan Marshall [1]
6Sakir Sezer [1] [2]
7Ciaran Toal [2]
8Steven Walsh [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)