
Jesús Fernández-Conde

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8 Jesús Fernández-Conde, Daniel Mozos: Pull vs. Hybrid: Comparing Scheduling Algorithms for Asymmetric Time-Constrained Environments. ICWN 2008: 222-228
7EEJesús Fernández-Conde, Daniel Mozos: Adaptive Hybrid Broadcast for Data Dissemination in Time-Constrained Asymmetric Communication Environments. EUROMICRO-SEAA 2006: 438-447
6EEAlberto García-Martínez, Jesús Fernández-Conde, Ángel Viña: Efficient memory management in video on demand servers. Computer Communications 23(3): 253-266 (2000)
5EEJesús Fernández-Conde, Krithi Ramamritham: Adaptive dissemination of data in time-critical asymmetric communication environments. ECRTS 1999: 195-203
4EEAlberto García-Martínez, Jesús Fernández-Conde, Ángel Viña: Efficient Memory Management in VOD Disk Array Servers Using Per-Storage-Device Buffering. EUROMICRO 1998: 20551-20558
3EEAlberto García-Martínez, Jesús Fernández-Conde, Ángel Viña: Single Pair of Buffers: Reducing Memory Requirements in VBR Media Servers. IDMS 1998: 312-323
2EEAlberto García-Martínez, Jesús Fernández-Conde, Ángel Viña: A Comprehensive Approach in Performance Evaluation for Modern Real-Time Operating Systems. EUROMICRO 1996: 61-68
1EEJesús Fernández-Conde, Alberto García-Martínez, Ángel Viña: Implementation of a hardware/software platform for real-time data-intensive applications in hazardous environments. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1996: 29-

Coauthor Index

1Alberto García-Martínez [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
2Daniel Mozos [7] [8]
3Krithi Ramamritham [5]
4Ángel Viña [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)