
María M. García

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18EEYanet Rodríguez, Bernard De Baets, María M. García, Carlos Morell, Ricardo Grau Ábalo: A Correlation-Based Distance Function for Nearest Neighbor Classification. CIARP 2008: 284-291
17EEYanet Rodríguez, Mabel González, Adonis Aguirre, Mayelis Espinosa, Ricardo Grau Ábalo, Joaquín O. García, Luis E. Rovira, María M. García: Prediction of Pediatric Risk Using a Hybrid Model Based on Soft Computing Techniques. MICAI 2008: 472-481
16EEMaikel León, Isis Bonet, María M. García, Zoila Zenaida García: Combining Concept Maps and Petri Nets to Generate Intelligent Tutoring Systems: A Possible Approach. MICAI 2008: 797-805
15EEIsis Bonet, Abdel Rodríguez, Ricardo Grau Ábalo, María M. García, Yvan Saeys, Ann Nowé: Comparing Distance Measures with Visual Methods. MICAI 2008: 90-99
14 Yudel Gómez, Rafael Bello, Amilkar Puris, María M. García, Ann Nowé: Two Step Swarm Intelligence to Solve the Feature Selection Problem. J. UCS 14(15): 2582-2596 (2008)
13EEYanet Rodríguez, Bernard De Baets, María M. García, Ricardo Grau Ábalo, Carlos Morell, Rafael Bello: Improving a Fuzzy ANN Model Using Correlation Coefficients. IFSA (2) 2007: 752-761
12EEIsis Bonet, María M. García, Yvan Saeys, Yves Van de Peer, Ricardo Grau Ábalo: Predicting Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Drug Resistance Using Recurrent Neural Networks. IWINAC (1) 2007: 234-243
11EERafael Bello, Amilkar Puris, Ann Nowé, Yailen Martínez, María M. García: Two Step Ant Colony System to Solve the Feature Selection Problem. CIARP 2006: 588-596
10EEIsis Bonet, Yvan Saeys, Ricardo Grau Ábalo, María M. García, Robersy Sanchez, Yves Van de Peer: Feature Extraction Using Clustering of Protein. CIARP 2006: 614-623
9EEYanet Rodríguez, María M. García, Bernard De Baets, Rafael Bello, Carlos Morell: Extending a Hybrid CBR-ANN Model by Modeling Predictive Attributes Using Fuzzy Sets. IBERAMIA-SBIA 2006: 238-248
8EEYaile Caballero, Rafael Bello, Delia Alvarez, María M. García: Two new feature selection algorithms with Rough Sets Theory. IFIP AI 2006: 209-216
7EEYaile Caballero, Rafael Bello, Delia Alvarez, María M. García, Yaimara Pizano: Improving the k-NN method: Rough Set in edit training set. IFIP PPAI 2006: 21-30
6EEYanet Rodríguez, María M. García, Bernard De Baets, Carlos Morell, Rafael Bello: A Connectionist Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning Model. MICAI 2006: 176-185
5EEYaile Caballero, Rafael Bello, Alberto Taboada, Ann Nowé, María M. García, Gladys Casas: A New Measure Based in the Rough Set Theory to Estimate the Training Set Quality. SYNASC 2006: 133-140
4EEYaile Caballero, Simone Joseph, Yuniesky Lezcano, Rafael Bello, María M. García, Yaimara Pizano: Using rough sets to edit training set in k-NN method. ISDA 2005: 456-463
3EEPedro Y. Piñero, Leticia Arco, María M. García, Yaile Caballero, Raykenler Yzquierdo, Alfredo Morales: Two New Metrics for Feature Selection in Pattern Recognition. CIARP 2003: 488-497
2EEPedro Y. Piñero, Leticia Arco, María M. García, Liesner Acevedo: Algorítmos genéticos en la construcción de funciones de pertenencia borrosas. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 18: 25-36 (2003)
1EERafael Bello, D. Gálvez, G. Sánchez, María M. García, G. Benavides: Knowledge representation form in mechanical engineering. Knowl.-Based Syst. 7(3): 154-160 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Ricardo Grau Ábalo [10] [12] [13] [15] [17] [18]
2Liesner Acevedo [2]
3Adonis Aguirre [17]
4Delia Alvarez [7] [8]
5Leticia Arco [2] [3]
6Bernard De Baets [6] [9] [13] [18]
7Rafael Bello [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [13] [14]
8G. Benavides [1]
9Isis Bonet [10] [12] [15] [16]
10Yaile Caballero [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
11Gladys Casas [5]
12Mayelis Espinosa [17]
13D. Gálvez [1]
14Joaquín O. García [17]
15Zoila Zenaida García [16]
16Yudel Gómez [14]
17Mabel González [17]
18Simone Joseph [4]
19Maikel León [16]
20Yuniesky Lezcano [4]
21Yailen Martínez [11]
22Alfredo Morales [3]
23Carlos Morell [6] [9] [13] [18]
24Ann Nowé [5] [11] [14] [15]
25Yves Van de Peer [10] [12]
26Pedro Y. Piñero [2] [3]
27Yaimara Pizano [4] [7]
28Amilkar Puris [11] [14]
29Abdel Rodríguez [15]
30Yanet Rodríguez [6] [9] [13] [17] [18]
31Luis E. Rovira [17]
32Yvan Saeys [10] [12] [15]
33G. Sánchez [1]
34Robersy Sanchez [10]
35Alberto Taboada [5]
36Raykenler Yzquierdo [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)