
Pascale Le Gall

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31EEMatthieu Manceny, Marc Aiguier, Pascale Le Gall, Joan Hérisson, Ivan Junier, François Képès: Spatial Information and Boolean Genetic Regulatory Networks. BICoB 2009: 270-281
30EEMbarka Mabrouki, Marc Aiguier, Jean-Paul Comet, Pascale Le Gall: Property Preservation along Embedding of Biological Regulatory Networks. AB 2008: 125-138
29EEMarie-Claude Gaudel, Pascale Le Gall: Testing Data Types Implementations from Algebraic Specifications. Formal Methods and Testing 2008: 209-239
28EEMathieu Poudret, Agnès Arnould, Jean-Paul Comet, Pascale Le Gall: Graph Transformation for Topology Modelling. ICGT 2008: 147-161
27EEMarc Aiguier, Pascale Le Gall, Mbarka Mabrouki: A Formal Definition of Complex Software. ICSEA 2008: 415-420
26EEPatricia Mouy, Bruno Marre, Nicky Williams, Pascale Le Gall: Generation of All-Paths Unit Test with Function Calls. ICST 2008: 32-41
25EEAlain Faivre, Christophe Gaston, Pascale Le Gall, Assia Touil: Test Purpose Concretization through Symbolic Action Refinement. TestCom/FATES 2008: 184-199
24EEMarie-Claude Gaudel, Pascale Le Gall: Testing data types implementations from algebraic specifications CoRR abs/0804.0970: (2008)
23EEMarc Aiguier, Agnès Arnould, Pascale Le Gall, Delphine Longuet: Test Selection Criteria for Quantifier-Free First-Order Specifications. FSEN 2007: 144-159
22EEPascale Le Gall, Nicolas Rapin, Assia Touil: Symbolic Execution Techniques for Refinement Testing. TAP 2007: 131-148
21EEAlain Faivre, Christophe Gaston, Pascale Le Gall: Symbolic Model Based Testing for Component Oriented Systems. TestCom/FATES 2007: 90-106
20EEDaniel Mateus, Jean-Pierre Gallois, Jean-Paul Comet, Pascale Le Gall: Symbolic Modeling of Genetic Regulatory Networks. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 5(2b): 627-640 (2007)
19EEMarc Aiguier, Karim Berkani, Pascale Le Gall: Feature Specification and Static Analysis for Interaction Resolution. FM 2006: 364-379
18EEChristophe Gaston, Pascale Le Gall, Nicolas Rapin, Assia Touil: Symbolic Execution Techniques for Test Purpose Definition. TestCom 2006: 1-18
17EEMarc Aiguier, Pascale Le Gall, Delphine Longuet, Assia Touil: A Temporal Logic for Input Output Symbolic Transition Systems. APSEC 2005: 43-50
16EEMarc Aiguier, Agnès Arnould, Clément Boin, Pascale Le Gall, Bruno Marre: Testing from Algebraic Specifications: Test Data Set Selection by Unfolding Axioms. FATES 2005: 203-217
15 Helene Jouve, Pascale Le Gall, Sophie Coudert: An Automatic Off-Line Feature Interaction Detection Method by Static Analysis of Specifications. FIW 2005: 131-146
14 Karim Berkani, Rémy Cave, Sophie Coudert, Francis Klay, Pascale Le Gall, Farid Ouabdesselam, Jean-Luc Richier: An Environment for Interactive Service Specification. FIW 2003: 25-41
13EEMarc Aiguier, Christophe Gaston, Pascale Le Gall: Feature Logics and Refinement. APSEC 2002: 385-
12EEFranck Ledoux, Jean-Marc Mota, Agnès Arnould, Catherine Dubois, Pascale Le Gall, Yves Bertrand: Spécifications formelles du chanfreinage. Technique et Science Informatiques 21(8): 1073-1098 (2002)
11EEAgnès Arnould, Pascale Le Gall: Test de conformité : une approche algébrique. Technique et Science Informatiques 21(9): 1219-1242 (2002)
10EEFranck Ledoux, Agnès Arnould, Pascale Le Gall, Yves Bertrand: Geometric Modelling with CASL. WADT 2001: 176-200
9EESophie Coudert, Pascale Le Gall: A Reuse-Oriented Framework for Hierarchical Specifications. AMAST 2000: 438-453
8EESophie Coudert, Gilles Bernot, Pascale Le Gall: Hierarchical Heterogeneous Specifications. WADT 1998: 107-121
7EEGilles Bernot, Laurent Bouaziz, Pascale Le Gall: A Theory of Probabilistic Functional Testing. ICSE 1997: 216-226
6 Gilles Bernot, Sophie Coudert, Pascale Le Gall: Towards Heterogeneous Formal Specification. AMAST 1996: 458-472
5 Agnès Arnould, Pascale Le Gall, Bruno Marre: Dynamic Testing from Bounded Data Type Specifications. EDCC 1996: 285-302
4 Pascale Le Gall, Agnès Arnould: Formal Specifications and Test: Correctness and Oracle. COMPASS/ADT 1995: 342-358
3 Gilles Bernot, Pascale Le Gall, Marc Aiguier: Label Algebras and Exception Handling. Sci. Comput. Program. 23(2-3): 227-286 (1994)
2 Gilles Bernot, Pascale Le Gall: Exception Handling and Term Labelling. TAPSOFT 1993: 421-436
1 Gilles Bernot, Pascale Le Gall: Label Algebras: A Systematic Use of Terms. COMPASS/ADT 1991: 144-163

Coauthor Index

1Marc Aiguier [3] [13] [16] [17] [19] [23] [27] [30] [31]
2Agnès Arnould [4] [5] [10] [11] [12] [16] [23] [28]
3Karim Berkani [14] [19]
4Gilles Bernot [1] [2] [3] [6] [7] [8]
5Yves Bertrand [10] [12]
6Clément Boin [16]
7Laurent Bouaziz [7]
8Rémy Cave [14]
9Jean-Paul Comet [20] [28] [30]
10Sophie Coudert [6] [8] [9] [14] [15]
11Catherine Dubois [12]
12Alain Faivre [21] [25]
13Jean-Pierre Gallois [20]
14Christophe Gaston [13] [18] [21] [25]
15Marie-Claude Gaudel [24] [29]
16Joan Hérisson [31]
17Helene Jouve [15]
18Ivan Junier [31]
19François Képès [31]
20Francis Klay [14]
21Franck Ledoux [10] [12]
22Delphine Longuet [17] [23]
23Mbarka Mabrouki [27] [30]
24Matthieu Manceny [31]
25Bruno Marre [5] [16] [26]
26Daniel Mateus [20]
27Jean-Marc Mota [12]
28Patricia Mouy [26]
29Farid Ouabdesselam [14]
30Mathieu Poudret [28]
31Nicolas Rapin [18] [22]
32Jean-Luc Richier [14]
33Assia Touil [17] [18] [22] [25]
34Nicky Williams [26]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)