
Gilles Bernot

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28EESylvie Troncale, Jean-Paul Comet, Gilles Bernot: Enzymatic competition: Modeling and verification with timed hybrid petri nets. Pattern Recognition 42(4): 562-566 (2009)
27EEJamil Ahmad, Olivier Roux, Gilles Bernot, Jean-Paul Comet, Adrien Richard: Analysing formal models of genetic regulatory networks with delays. IJBRA 4(3): 240-262 (2008)
26EEGilles Bernot, Franck Cassez, Jean-Paul Comet, Franck Delaplace, Céline Müller, Olivier Roux: Semantics of Biological Regulatory Networks. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 180(3): 3-14 (2007)
25EEGilles Bernot, François Képès: Chronique : Le programme d'épigénomique. Technique et Science Informatiques 26(1-2): 237-240 (2007)
24EEJamil Ahmad, Adrien Richard, Gilles Bernot, Jean-Paul Comet, Olivier F. Roux: Delays in Biological Regulatory Networks (BRN). International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2006: 887-894
23EEAdrien Richard, Jean-Paul Comet, Gilles Bernot: R. Thomas' Modeling of Biological Regulatory Networks: Introduction of Singular States in the Qualitative Dynamics. Fundam. Inform. 65(4): 373-392 (2005)
22EEAdrien Richard, Jean-Paul Comet, Gilles Bernot: Graph-Based Modeling of Biological Regulatory Networks: Introduction of Singular States. CMSB 2004: 58-72
21EEChristine Collet, Khalid Belhajjame, Gilles Bernot, Christophe Bobineau, Gennaro Bruno, Béatrice Finance, Fabrice Jouanot, Zoubida Kedad, David Laurent, Fariza Tahi, Genoveva Vargas-Solar, Tuyet-Trinh Vu, Xiaohui Xue: Towards a Mediation System Framework for Transparent Access to Largely Distributed Sources. The MediaGrid Project. ICSNW 2004: 65-78
20EEVincent Bassano, Gilles Bernot: Marked Regulatory Graphs: A Formal Framework to Simulate Biological Regulatory Networks with Simple Automata. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2003: 93-99
19EESophie Coudert, Gilles Bernot, Pascale Le Gall: Hierarchical Heterogeneous Specifications. WADT 1998: 107-121
18EEGilles Bernot, Laurent Bouaziz, Pascale Le Gall: A Theory of Probabilistic Functional Testing. ICSE 1997: 216-226
17 Gilles Bernot, Sophie Coudert, Pascale Le Gall: Towards Heterogeneous Formal Specification. AMAST 1996: 458-472
16EEGilles Bernot, Michel Bidoit, Teodor Knapik: Observational Specifications and the Indistinguishability Assumption. Theor. Comput. Sci. 139(1&2): 275-314 (1995)
15 Gilles Bernot, Michel Bidoit, Teodor Knapik: Behavioural Approaches to Algebraic Specifications: A Comparative Study. Acta Inf. 31(7): 651-671 (1994)
14 Gilles Bernot, Pascale Le Gall, Marc Aiguier: Label Algebras and Exception Handling. Sci. Comput. Program. 23(2-3): 227-286 (1994)
13 Gilles Bernot, Pascale Le Gall: Exception Handling and Term Labelling. TAPSOFT 1993: 421-436
12 Gilles Bernot, Michel Bidoit, Teodor Knapik: Towards an Adequate Notion of Observation. ESOP 1992: 39-55
11 Gilles Bernot, Michel Bidoit: Proving the Correctness of Algebraically Specified Software: Modularity and Observability Issues. AMAST 1991: 216-239
10 Gilles Bernot, Marie-Claude Gaudel, Bruno Marre: A Formal Approach to Software Testing. AMAST 1991: 243-253
9 Gilles Bernot, Pascale Le Gall: Label Algebras: A Systematic Use of Terms. COMPASS/ADT 1991: 144-163
8 Gilles Bernot: Testing Against Formal Specifications: A Theoretical View. TAPSOFT, Vol.2 1991: 99-119
7 Gilles Bernot: Correctness Proofs for Abstract Implementation Inf. Comput. 80(2): 121-151 (1989)
6 Gilles Bernot: Good Functors... are Those Preserving Philosophy. Category Theory and Computer Science 1987: 182-195
5 Gilles Bernot: Abstract Implementation with Exception Handling. ADT 1986
4 Gilles Bernot: Correctness Proofs for Abstract Implementations. ADT 1986
3 Gilles Bernot, Michel Bidoit, Christine Choppy: Algebraic Semantics of Exception Handling. ESOP 1986: 173-186
2 Gilles Bernot, Michel Bidoit, Christine Choppy: Abstract Implementations and Correctness Proofs. STACS 1986: 236-251
1 Gilles Bernot, Michel Bidoit, Christine Choppy: Abstract Data Types with Exception Handling: An Initial Approach Based on a Distinction Between Exceptions and Errors. Theor. Comput. Sci. 46(3): 13-45 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Jamil Ahmad [24] [27]
2Marc Aiguier [14]
3Vincent Bassano [20]
4Khalid Belhajjame [21]
5Michel Bidoit [1] [2] [3] [11] [12] [15] [16]
6Christophe Bobineau [21]
7Laurent Bouaziz [18]
8Gennaro Bruno [21]
9Franck Cassez [26]
10Christine Choppy [1] [2] [3]
11Christine Collet [21]
12Jean-Paul Comet [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [28]
13Sophie Coudert [17] [19]
14Franck Delaplace [26]
15Béatrice Finance [21]
16Pascale Le Gall [9] [13] [14] [17] [18] [19]
17Marie-Claude Gaudel [10]
18Fabrice Jouanot [21]
19Zoubida Kedad [21]
20François Képès [25]
21Teodor Knapik [12] [15] [16]
22David Laurent [21]
23Bruno Marre [10]
24Céline Müller [26]
25Adrien Richard [22] [23] [24] [27]
26Olivier F. Roux [24]
27Olivier H. Roux (Olivier Roux) [26] [27]
28Fariza Tahi [21]
29Sylvie Troncale [28]
30Genoveva Vargas-Solar [21]
31Tuyet-Trinh Vu [21]
32Xiaohui Xue [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)