
Raphaël Dorne

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10EEYossi Borenstein, Nazaraf Shah, Edward Tsang, Raphaël Dorne, Abdullah Alsheddy, Christos Voudouris: On the partitioning of dynamic scheduling problems -: assigning technicians to areas. GECCO 2008: 1691-1692
9EEChristos Voudouris, Gilbert Owusu, Raphaël Dorne, Cedric Ladde, Botond Virginas: ARMS: An automated resource management system for British Telecommunications plc. European Journal of Operational Research 171(3): 951-961 (2006)
8EEChristos Voudouris, Raphaël Dorne, David Lesaint, Anne Liret: iOpt: A Software Toolkit for Heuristic Search Methods. CP 2001: 716-719
7EERaphaël Dorne, Jin-Kao Hao: A New Genetic Local Search Algorithm for Graph Coloring. PPSN 1998: 745-754
6 Jin-Kao Hao, Raphaël Dorne, Philippe Galinier: Tabu Search for Frequency Assignment in Mobile Radio Networks. J. Heuristics 4(1): 47-62 (1998)
5 Jin-Kao Hao, Raphaël Dorne: Empirical Studies of Heuristic Local Search for Constraint Solving. CP 1996: 194-208
4 Raphaël Dorne, Jin-Kao Hao: Constraint Handling in Evolutionary Search: A Case Study of the Frequency Assignment. PPSN 1996: 801-810
3 Jin-Kao Hao, Raphaël Dorne: Study of Genetic Search for the Frequency Assignment Problem. Artificial Evolution 1995: 333-344
2 Jin-Kao Hao, Raphaël Dorne: A New Population-Based Method for Satisfiability Problems. ECAI 1994: 135-139
1 Jin-Kao Hao, Raphaël Dorne: An Empirical Comparison of Two Evolutionary Methods for Satisfiability Problems. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 451-455

Coauthor Index

1Abdullah Alsheddy [10]
2Yossi Borenstein [10]
3Philippe Galinier [6]
4Jin-Kao Hao [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
5Cedric Ladde [9]
6David Lesaint [8]
7Anne Liret [8]
8Gilbert Owusu [9]
9Nazaraf Shah [10]
10Edward Tsang [10]
11Botond Virginas [9]
12Christos Voudouris [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)