
José Luís Güntzel

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3EEEduardo Mesquita, Helen Franck, Luciano Volcan Agostini, José Luís Güntzel: RIC Fast Adder and its Set Tolerant Implementation in FPGAs. FPL 2007: 638-641
2EELuciano Volcan Agostini, Roger Endrigo Carvalho Porto, Sergio Bampi, Leandro Rosa, José Luís Güntzel, Ivan Saraiva Silva: High throughput architecture for H.264/AVC forward transforms block. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2006: 320-323
1EELuciano Volcan Agostini, Roger Endrigo Carvalho Porto, José Luís Güntzel, Ivan Saraiva Silva, Sergio Bampi: High throughput multitransform and multiparallelism IP for H.264/AVC video compression standard. ISCAS 2006

Coauthor Index

1Luciano Volcan Agostini [1] [2] [3]
2Sergio Bampi [1] [2]
3Helen Franck [3]
4Eduardo Mesquita [3]
5Roger Endrigo Carvalho Porto [1] [2]
6Leandro Rosa [2]
7Ivan Saraiva Silva [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)