2008 |
10 | EE | François Bry,
Tim Furche,
Clemens Ley,
Benedikt Linse,
Bruno Marnette:
Taming Existence in RDF Querying.
RR 2008: 236-237 |
9 | EE | François Bry,
Tim Furche,
Benedikt Linse:
Simulation Subsumption or Déjà vu on the Web.
RR 2008: 28-42 |
2007 |
8 | EE | François Bry,
Norbert Eisinger,
Thomas Eiter,
Tim Furche,
Georg Gottlob,
Clemens Ley,
Benedikt Linse,
Reinhard Pichler,
Fang Wei:
Foundations of Rule-Based Query Answering.
Reasoning Web 2007: 1-153 |
2006 |
7 | EE | Sacha Berger,
François Bry,
Tim Furche,
Benedikt Linse,
Andreas Schroeder:
Vorführung von Xcerpt und visXcerpt, Anfragesprachen für das Web.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2006: 12 |
6 | EE | François Bry,
Tim Furche,
Benedikt Linse:
AMa chioS - Abstract Machine for Xcerpt: Architecture and Principles.
PPSWR 2006: 105-119 |
5 | EE | Sacha Berger,
François Bry,
Tim Furche,
Benedikt Linse,
Andreas Schroeder:
Effective and Efficient Data Access in the Versatile Web Query Language Xcerpt.
PPSWR 2006: 219-224 |
4 | EE | François Bry,
Tim Furche,
Benedikt Linse:
Data Model and Query Constructs for Versatile Web Query Languages: State-of-the-Art and Challenges for Xcerpt.
PPSWR 2006: 90-104 |
3 | EE | Tim Furche,
Benedikt Linse,
François Bry,
Dimitris Plexousakis,
Georg Gottlob:
RDF Querying: Language Constructs and Evaluation Methods Compared.
Reasoning Web 2006: 1-52 |
2 | EE | François Bry,
Tim Furche,
Benedikt Linse,
Andreas Schroeder:
Efficient evaluation of n-ary conjunctive queries over trees and graphs.
WIDM 2006: 11-18 |
1 | EE | Sacha Berger,
François Bry,
Tim Furche,
Benedikt Linse,
Andreas Schroeder:
Beyond XML and RDF: The Versatile Web Query Language Xcerpt.
WWW 2006: 1053-1054 |