
Tadahiro Fujimoto

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10EEXin Yin, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Norishige Chiba, Hiromi T. Tanaka: Modeling of Wood Aging Caused by Biological Deterioration. JACIII 12(2): 125-131 (2008)
9EEKatsutsugu Matsuyama, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Norishige Chiba: Real-time Sound Generation of Spark Discharge. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2007: 423-426
8EEMarcelo M. Maes, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Norishige Chiba: Efficient animation of water flow on irregular terrains. GRAPHITE 2006: 107-115
7EEKatsutsugu Matsuyama, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Norishige Chiba: Real-time animation of spark discharge. The Visual Computer 22(9-11): 761-771 (2006)
6EEKatsutsugu Matsuyama, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Kazunobu Muraoka, Norishige Chiba: Generation of tree movement sound effects. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 16(5): 531-545 (2005)
5EEShin Ota, Machiko Tamura, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Kazunobu Muraoka, Norishige Chiba: A hybrid method for real-time animation of trees swaying in wind fields. The Visual Computer 20(10): 613-623 (2004)
4EETomoya Ito, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Kazunobu Muraoka, Norishige Chiba: Modeling Rocky Scenery Taking into Account Joints. Computer Graphics International 2003: 244-247
3EEShin Ota, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Machiko Tamura, Kazunobu Muraoka, Kunihiko Fujita, Norishige Chiba: 1/f\beta Noise-Based Real-Time Animation of Trees Swaying in Wind Fields. Computer Graphics International 2003: 52-59
2EEDaiki Takeshita, Shin Ota, Machiko Tamura, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Kazunobu Muraoka, Norishige Chiba: Particle-Based Visual Simulation of Explosive Flames. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2003: 482-486
1EEBatjargal Sosorbaram, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Kazunobu Muraoka, Norishige Chiba: Visual Simulation of Lightning Taking into Account Cloud Growth. Computer Graphics International 2001: 89-98

Coauthor Index

1Norishige Chiba [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Kunihiko Fujita [3]
3Tomoya Ito [4]
4Marcelo M. Maes [8]
5Katsutsugu Matsuyama [6] [7] [9]
6Kazunobu Muraoka [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
7Shin Ota [2] [3] [5]
8Batjargal Sosorbaram [1]
9Daiki Takeshita [2]
10Machiko Tamura [2] [3] [5]
11Hiromi T. Tanaka [10]
12Xin Yin [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)