2009 |
14 | EE | Gerold Schneider,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
Fabio Rinaldi:
Detecting Protein-Protein Interactions in Biomedical Texts Using a Parser and Linguistic Resources.
CICLing 2009: 406-417 |
2008 |
13 | EE | Kaarel Kaljurand:
ACE View - An Ontology and Rule Editor based on Controlled English.
International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos) 2008 |
12 | EE | Kaarel Kaljurand:
ACE View --- an Ontology and Rule Editor based on Attempto Controlled English.
OWLED 2008 |
11 | EE | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
Tobias Kuhn:
Attempto Controlled English for Knowledge Representation.
Reasoning Web 2008: 104-124 |
2007 |
10 | EE | Kaarel Kaljurand,
Norbert E. Fuchs:
Verbalizing OWL in Attempto Controlled English.
OWLED 2007 |
9 | EE | Fabio Rinaldi,
Gerold Schneider,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
Michael Hess,
Christos Andronis,
Ourania Konstanti,
Andreas Persidis:
Mining of relations between proteins over biomedical scientific literature using a deep-linguistic approach.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 39(2): 127-136 (2007) |
2006 |
8 | | Fabio Rinaldi,
Gerold Schneider,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
Michael Hess:
Tools for Text Mining over Biomedical Literature.
ECAI 2006: 825-826 |
7 | | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
Gerold Schneider:
Attempto Controlled English Meets the Challenges of Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, Interoperability and User Interfaces.
FLAIRS Conference 2006: 664-669 |
6 | EE | Kaarel Kaljurand,
Norbert E. Fuchs:
Bidirectional Mapping Between OWL DL and Attempto Controlled English.
PPSWR 2006: 179-189 |
2005 |
5 | EE | Fabio Rinaldi,
Gerold Schneider,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
Michael Hess,
Christos Andronis,
Andreas Persidis,
Ourania Konstanti:
Relation Mining over a Corpus of Scientific Literature.
AIME 2005: 535-544 |
4 | | Gerold Schneider,
Fabio Rinaldi,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
Michael Hess:
Closing the Gap: Cognitively Adequate, Fast Broad-Coverage Grammatical Role Parsing.
NLUCS 2005: 178-184 |
3 | EE | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Stefan Höfler,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
Fabio Rinaldi,
Gerold Schneider:
Attempto Controlled English: A Knowledge Representation Language Readable by Humans and Machines.
Reasoning Web 2005: 213-250 |
2003 |
2 | EE | Fabio Rinaldi,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
James Dowdall,
Michael Hess:
Breaking the Deadlock.
CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2003: 876-888 |
1 | EE | Fabio Rinaldi,
James Dowdall,
Michael Hess,
Diego Mollá Aliod,
Rolf Schwitter,
Kaarel Kaljurand:
Knowledge-Based Question Answering.
KES 2003: 785-792 |