
Bo Fu

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10EEXilin Zhao, Jianzhong Zhou, Bo Fu, Hui Liu: Application of Entropy-Based Markov Chains Data Fusion Technique in Fault Diagnosis. CSSE (1) 2008: 569-572
9EEFang Liu, Desheng Jiang, Bo Fu, Jianzhong Zhou: Nonlinear Forecast Modeling Based on Wavelet Analysis. CSSE (1) 2008: 622-625
8EEBo Fu, Paul Ampadu: A multi-wire error correction scheme for reliable and energy efficient SOC links using hamming product codes. SoCC 2008: 59-62
7EEBo Fu, Jin Liu, XiuXiang Fan, Yi Quan: A Hybrid Algorithm of Fast and Accurate Computing Zernike Moments. FSKD (3) 2007: 268-272
6EEBo Fu, Paul Ampadu: Comparative Analysis of Ultra-Low Voltage Flip-Flops for Energy Efficiency. ISCAS 2007: 1173-1176
5EEBo Fu, Jianzhong Zhou, Yuhong Li, Guojun Zhang, Cheng Wang: Image analysis by modified Legendre moments. Pattern Recognition 40(2): 691-704 (2007)
4EEBo Fu, Qiaoyan Yu, Paul Ampadu: Energy-delay minimization in nanoscale domino logic. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2006: 316-319
3EEBo Fu, Paul Ampadu: Techniques for robust energy efficient subthreshold domino CMOS circuits. ISCAS 2006
2EEYafeng Deng, Guangda Su, Jun Zhou, Bo Fu: Fast Face Detection Integrating Motion Energy into a Cascade-Structured Classifier. ICMLC 2005: 938-947
1EEMei Ming, Dong Li, Bo Fu: kd-Clos: New No-Blocking Permutation Network. APPT 2003: 152-156

Coauthor Index

1Paul Ampadu [3] [4] [6] [8]
2Yafeng Deng [2]
3XiuXiang Fan [7]
4Desheng Jiang [9]
5Dong Li [1]
6Yuhong Li [5]
7Fang Liu [9]
8Hui Liu [10]
9Jin Liu [7]
10Mei Ming [1]
11Yi Quan [7]
12Guangda Su [2]
13Cheng Wang [5]
14Qiaoyan Yu [4]
15Guojun Zhang [5]
16Xilin Zhao [10]
17Jianzhong Zhou [5] [9] [10]
18Jun Zhou [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)