
Timur Friedman

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33EEFabien Viger, Brice Augustin, Xavier Cuvellier, Clémence Magnien, Matthieu Latapy, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira: Detection, Understanding, and Prevention of Traceroute Measurement Artifacts CoRR abs/0904.2733: (2009)
32EEFabien Viger, Brice Augustin, Xavier Cuvellier, Clémence Magnien, Matthieu Latapy, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira: Detection, understanding, and prevention of traceroute measurement artifacts. Computer Networks 52(5): 998-1018 (2008)
31EEVania Conan, Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman: Fixed point opportunistic routing in delay tolerant networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(5): 773-782 (2008)
30EEVania Conan, Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman: Characterizing pairwise inter-contact patterns in delay tolerant networks. Autonomics 2007: 19
29EEBrice Augustin, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira: Measuring load-balanced paths in the internet. Internet Measurement Comference 2007: 149-160
28EEBenoit Donnet, Bradley Huffaker, Timur Friedman, Kimberly C. Claffy: Increasing the Coverage of a Cooperative Internet Topology Discovery Algorithm. Networking 2007: 738-748
27EEJeremie Leguay, Matthieu Latapy, Timur Friedman, Kavé Salamatian: Describing and simulating internet routes. Computer Networks 51(8): 2067-2085 (2007)
26EEJeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan: Evaluating MobySpace-based routing strategies in delay-tolerant networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7(10): 1171-1182 (2007)
25EEBenoit Donnet, Bruno Baynat, Timur Friedman: Retouched bloom filters: allowing networked applications to trade off selected false positives against false negatives. CoNEXT 2006: 13
24EEBrice Augustin, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira: Exhaustive path tracing with Paris traceroute. CoNEXT 2006: 49
23EEJeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan: Evaluating Mobility Pattern Space Routing for DTNs. INFOCOM 2006
22EEBenoit Donnet, Bradley Huffaker, Timur Friedman, Kimberly C. Claffy: Evaluation of a Large-Scale Topology Discovery Algorithm. IPOM 2006: 193-204
21EEBrice Augustin, Xavier Cuvellier, Benjamin Orgogozo, Fabien Viger, Timur Friedman, Matthieu Latapy, Clémence Magnien, Renata Teixeira: Avoiding traceroute anomalies with Paris traceroute. Internet Measurement Conference 2006: 153-158
20EEJeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman: QoS Routing in OLSR with Several Classes of Service. PerCom Workshops 2006: 420-425
19EEFarid Benbadis, Jeremie Leguay, Vincent Borrel, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Timur Friedman: Millipede: a rollerblade positioning system. WINTECH 2006: 117-118
18EEBenoit Donnet, Bradley Huffaker, Timur Friedman, Kimberly C. Claffy: Implementation and Deployment of a Distributed Network Topology Discovery Algorithm CoRR abs/cs/0603062: (2006)
17EEFarid Benbadis, Jean-Jacques Puig, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Claude Chaudet, Timur Friedman, David Simplot-Ryl: Jumps: Enhancing hop-count positioning in sensor networks using multiple coordinates CoRR abs/cs/0604105: (2006)
16EEBenoit Donnet, Philippe Raoult, Timur Friedman: Efficient Route Tracing from a Single Source CoRR abs/cs/0605133: (2006)
15EEBenoit Donnet, Bruno Baynat, Timur Friedman: Retouched Bloom Filters: Allowing Networked Applications to Flexibly Trade Off False Positives Against False Negatives CoRR abs/cs/0607038: (2006)
14EEVania Conan, Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman: The heterogeneity of inter-contact time distributions: its importance for routing in delay tolerant networks CoRR abs/cs/0609068: (2006)
13EEKimberly C. Claffy, Mark Crovella, Timur Friedman, Colleen Shannon, Neil Spring: Community-oriented network measurement infrastructure (CONMI) workshop report. Computer Communication Review 36(2): 41-48 (2006)
12EEBenoit Donnet, Philippe Raoult, Timur Friedman, Mark Crovella: Deployment of an Algorithm for Large-Scale Topology Discovery. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(12): 2210-2220 (2006)
11EEJeremie Leguay, Matthieu Latapy, Timur Friedman, Kavé Salamatian: Describing and Simulating Internet Routes. NETWORKING 2005: 659-670
10EEBenoit Donnet, Timur Friedman, Mark Crovella: Improved Algorithms for Network Topology Discovery. PAM 2005: 149-162
9EEBenoit Donnet, Philippe Raoult, Timur Friedman, Mark Crovella: Efficient algorithms for large-scale topology discovery. SIGMETRICS 2005: 327-338
8EEJeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan: DTN Routing in a Mobility Pattern Space CoRR abs/cs/0504040: (2005)
7EEJeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan: Evaluating Mobility Pattern Space Routing for DTNs CoRR abs/cs/0511102: (2005)
6EENick G. Duffield, Vijay Arya, R. Bellino, Timur Friedman, Joseph Horowitz, Donald F. Towsley, Thierry Turletti: Network tomography from aggregate loss reports. Perform. Eval. 62(1-4): 147-163 (2005)
5EETimur Friedman, Donald F. Towsley, James F. Kurose: Scalable End-to-End Multicast Tree Fault Isolation. ICT 2004: 1347-1358
4EEBenoit Donnet, Philippe Raoult, Timur Friedman, Mark Crovella: Efficient Algorithms for Large-Scale Topology Discovery CoRR cs.NI/0411013: (2004)
3EEJeremie Leguay, Matthieu Latapy, Timur Friedman, Kavé Salamatian: Describing and Simulating Internet Routes CoRR cs.NI/0411051: (2004)
2EERamón Cáceres, Nick G. Duffield, Timur Friedman: Impromptu Measurement Infrastructures using RTP. INFOCOM 2002
1 Timur Friedman, Donald F. Towsley: Multicast Session Membership Size Estimation. INFOCOM 1999: 965-972

Coauthor Index

1Marcelo Dias de Amorim [17] [19]
2Vijay Arya [6]
3Brice Augustin [21] [24] [29] [32] [33]
4Bruno Baynat [15] [25]
5R. Bellino [6]
6Farid Benbadis [17] [19]
7Vincent Borrel [19]
8Ramón Cáceres [2]
9Claude Chaudet [17]
10Kimberly C. Claffy [13] [18] [22] [28]
11Vania Conan [7] [8] [14] [23] [26] [30] [31]
12Mark Crovella [4] [9] [10] [12] [13]
13Xavier Cuvellier [21] [32] [33]
14Benoit Donnet [4] [9] [10] [12] [15] [16] [18] [22] [25] [28]
15Nick G. Duffield [2] [6]
16Joseph Horowitz [6]
17Bradley Huffaker [18] [22] [28]
18James F. Kurose (Jim Kurose) [5]
19Matthieu Latapy [3] [11] [21] [27] [32] [33]
20Jeremie Leguay [3] [7] [8] [11] [14] [19] [20] [23] [26] [27] [30] [31]
21Clémence Magnien [21] [32] [33]
22Benjamin Orgogozo [21]
23Jean-Jacques Puig [17]
24Philippe Raoult [4] [9] [12] [16]
25Kavé Salamatian [3] [11] [27]
26Colleen Shannon [13]
27David Simplot-Ryl (David Simplot) [17]
28Neil Spring (Neil T. Spring) [13]
29Renata Teixeira [21] [24] [29] [32] [33]
30Donald F. Towsley [1] [5] [6]
31Thierry Turletti [6]
32Fabien Viger [21] [32] [33]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)