
Vania Conan

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16EERaffaele Bruno, Vania Conan, Stéphane Rousseau: Maximizing the number of accepted flows in TDMA-based wireless ad hoc networks is APX-complete CoRR abs/0904.1243: (2009)
15EEStéphane Rousseau, Laure Lebrun, Hervé Aïache, Vania Conan: Interference and Congestion Aware Reservations in Wireless Multi-hop Networks. ADHOC-NOW 2008: 391-400
14EEJeremie Leguay, Mario Lopez-Ramos, Kathlyn Jean-Marie, Vania Conan: Service oriented architecture for heterogeneous and dynamic sensor networks. DEBS 2008: 309-312
13EEJeremie Leguay, Mario Lopez-Ramos, Kathlyn Jean-Marie, Vania Conan: An efficient service oriented architecture for heterogeneous and dynamic wireless sensor networks. LCN 2008: 740-747
12EEHervé Aïache, Vania Conan, Laure Lebrun, Jeremie Leguay, Stéphane Rousseau, Damien Thoumin: XIAN Automated Management and Nano-Protocol to Design Cross-Layer Metrics for Ad Hoc Networking. Networking 2008: 1-13
11EEVania Conan, Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman: Fixed point opportunistic routing in delay tolerant networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(5): 773-782 (2008)
10EEVania Conan, Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman: Characterizing pairwise inter-contact patterns in delay tolerant networks. Autonomics 2007: 19
9EEJeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan: Evaluating MobySpace-based routing strategies in delay-tolerant networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7(10): 1171-1182 (2007)
8EEJeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan: Evaluating Mobility Pattern Space Routing for DTNs. INFOCOM 2006
7EEVania Conan, Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman: The heterogeneity of inter-contact time distributions: its importance for routing in delay tolerant networks CoRR abs/cs/0609068: (2006)
6EEJeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan: DTN Routing in a Mobility Pattern Space CoRR abs/cs/0504040: (2005)
5EEJeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan: Evaluating Mobility Pattern Space Routing for DTNs CoRR abs/cs/0511102: (2005)
4EEVolker Roth, Vania Conan: Encrypting Java Archives and Its Application to Mobile Agent Security. AgentLink 2001: 229-239
3 Vania Conan, Marten Foss, Peter Lenda, Sophie Louveaux, Anne Salaun: Legal Issues for Personalised Advertising on Internet: The AIMedia Case Study. Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce (IJCAI Workshop) 1999: 40-67
2EESamory Kakez, Vania Conan, Pascal Bisson: Virtually Documented Environments. ISWC 1997: 158-160
1 Samory Kakez, Vania Conan, Pascal Bisson: Virtually Documented Environments: A New Interface Paradigm for Task-oriented Access to Information. Comput. Graph. Forum 16(3): 319-328 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Hervé Aïache [12] [15]
2Pascal Bisson [1] [2]
3Raffaele Bruno [16]
4Marten Foss [3]
5Timur Friedman [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Kathlyn Jean-Marie [13] [14]
7Samory Kakez [1] [2]
8Laure Lebrun [12] [15]
9Jeremie Leguay [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
10Peter Lenda [3]
11Mario Lopez-Ramos [13] [14]
12Sophie Louveaux [3]
13Volker Roth [4]
14Stéphane Rousseau [12] [15] [16]
15Anne Salaun [3]
16Damien Thoumin [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)