
Renata Teixeira

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24EESue B. Moon, Renata Teixeira, Steve Uhlig: Passive and Active Network Measurement, 10th International Conference, PAM 2009, Seoul, Korea, April 1-3, 2009. Proceedings Springer 2009
23EEÍtalo Cunha, Fernando Silveira, Ricardo Oliveira, Renata Teixeira, Christophe Diot: Uncovering Artifacts of Flow Measurement Tools. PAM 2009: 187-196
22EEFabien Viger, Brice Augustin, Xavier Cuvellier, Clémence Magnien, Matthieu Latapy, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira: Detection, Understanding, and Prevention of Traceroute Measurement Artifacts CoRR abs/0904.2733: (2009)
21EEFabien Viger, Brice Augustin, Xavier Cuvellier, Clémence Magnien, Matthieu Latapy, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira: Detection, understanding, and prevention of traceroute measurement artifacts. Computer Networks 52(5): 998-1018 (2008)
20EERenata Teixeira, Aman Shaikh, Timothy G. Griffin, Jennifer Rexford: Impact of hot-potato routing changes in IP networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 16(6): 1295-1307 (2008)
19EELaurent Bernaille, Renata Teixeira: Implementation Issues of Early Application Identification. AINTEC 2007: 156-166
18EEAmogh Dhamdhere, Renata Teixeira, Constantine Dovrolis, Christophe Diot: NetDiagnoser: troubleshooting network unreachabilities using end-to-end probes and routing data. CoNEXT 2007: 18
17EEZied Ben-Houidi, Renata Teixeira, Marc Capelle: Origin of route explosion in virtual private networks. CoNEXT 2007: 58
16EEAmelie Medem Kuatse, Renata Teixeira, Michael Meulle: Characterizing network events and their impact on routing. CoNEXT 2007: 59
15EEBrice Augustin, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira: Measuring load-balanced paths in the internet. Internet Measurement Comference 2007: 149-160
14EERenata Teixeira, Steve Uhlig, Christophe Diot: BGP Route Propagation Between Neighboring Domains. PAM 2007: 11-21
13EELaurent Bernaille, Renata Teixeira: Early Recognition of Encrypted Applications. PAM 2007: 165-175
12EERenata Teixeira, Timothy G. Griffin, Mauricio G. C. Resende, Jennifer Rexford: TIE breaking: tunable interdomain egress selection. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 15(4): 761-774 (2007)
11EEBrice Augustin, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira: Exhaustive path tracing with Paris traceroute. CoNEXT 2006: 49
10EELaurent Bernaille, Renata Teixeira, Kavé Salamatian: Early application identification. CoNEXT 2006: 6
9EEBrice Augustin, Xavier Cuvellier, Benjamin Orgogozo, Fabien Viger, Timur Friedman, Matthieu Latapy, Clémence Magnien, Renata Teixeira: Avoiding traceroute anomalies with Paris traceroute. Internet Measurement Conference 2006: 153-158
8EELaurent Bernaille, Renata Teixeira, Ismael Akodkenou, Augustin Soule, Kavé Salamatian: Traffic classification on the fly. Computer Communication Review 36(2): 23-26 (2006)
7EERenata Teixeira, Timothy G. Griffin, Mauricio G. C. Resende, Jennifer Rexford: TIE breaking: tunable interdomain egress selection. CoNEXT 2005: 93-104
6EERenata Teixeira, Nick G. Duffield, Jennifer Rexford, Matthew Roughan: Traffic Matrix Reloaded: Impact of Routing Changes. PAM 2005: 251-264
5EERenata Teixeira, Sharad Agarwal, Jennifer Rexford: BGP routing changes: merging views from two ISPs. Computer Communication Review 35(5): 79-82 (2005)
4EERenata Teixeira, Aman Shaikh, Timothy Griffin, Geoffrey M. Voelker: Network sensitivity to hot-potato disruptions. SIGCOMM 2004: 231-244
3EERenata Teixeira, Aman Shaikh, Timothy Griffin, Jennifer Rexford: Dynamics of hot-potato routing in IP networks. SIGMETRICS 2004: 307-319
2EERenata Teixeira, Keith Marzullo, Stefan Savage, Geoffrey M. Voelker: In search of path diversity in ISP networks. Internet Measurement Comference 2003: 313-318
1EERenata Teixeira, Keith Marzullo, Stefan Savage, Geoffrey M. Voelker: Characterizing and measuring path diversity of internet topologies. SIGMETRICS 2003: 304-305

Coauthor Index

1Sharad Agarwal [5]
2Ismael Akodkenou [8]
3Brice Augustin [9] [11] [15] [21] [22]
4Zied Ben-Houidi [17]
5Laurent Bernaille [8] [10] [13] [19]
6Marc Capelle [17]
7Ítalo Cunha [23]
8Xavier Cuvellier [9] [21] [22]
9Amogh Dhamdhere [18]
10Christophe Diot [14] [18] [23]
11Constantinos Dovrolis (Constantine Dovrolis) [18]
12Nick G. Duffield [6]
13Timur Friedman [9] [11] [15] [21] [22]
14Timothy G. Griffin (Timothy Griffin) [3] [4] [7] [12] [20]
15Amelie Medem Kuatse [16]
16Matthieu Latapy [9] [21] [22]
17Clémence Magnien [9] [21] [22]
18Keith Marzullo [1] [2]
19Michael Meulle [16]
20Sue B. Moon [24]
21Ricardo Oliveira [23]
22Benjamin Orgogozo [9]
23Mauricio G. C. Resende [7] [12]
24Jennifer Rexford [3] [5] [6] [7] [12] [20]
25Matthew Roughan [6]
26Kavé Salamatian [8] [10]
27Stefan Savage [1] [2]
28Aman Shaikh [3] [4] [20]
29Fernando Silveira [23]
30Augustin Soule [8]
31Steve Uhlig [14] [24]
32Fabien Viger [9] [21] [22]
33Geoffrey M. Voelker [1] [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)