
Andrew French

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4 Andrew French, Malcolm Bennett, Caroline Howells, Dhaval Patel, Tony P. Pridmore: A Probabilistic Tracking Approach to Root Measurement in Images - Particle Filter Tracking is used to Measure Roots, via a Probabilistic Graph. BIOSIGNALS (1) 2008: 108-115
3EEBrendan Walker, Holger Schnädelbach, Stefan Rennick Egglestone, Angus Clark, Tuvi Orbach, Michael Wright, Kher Hui Ng, Andrew French, Tom Rodden, Steve Benford: Augmenting amusement rides with telemetry. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2007: 115-122
2EEAndy Crabtree, Andrew French, Chris Greenhalgh, Steve Benford, Keith Cheverst, Dan Fitton, Mark Rouncefield, Connor Graham: Developing Digital Records: Early Experiences of Record and Replay. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 15(4): 281-319 (2006)
1EEAndrew French, Steven Mills, Tony P. Pridmore: Condensation Tracking through a Hough Space. ICPR (4) 2004: 195-198

Coauthor Index

1Steve Benford [2] [3]
2Malcolm Bennett [4]
3Keith Cheverst [2]
4Angus Clark [3]
5Andy Crabtree [2]
6Stefan Rennick Egglestone [3]
7Dan Fitton (Daniel Fitton) [2]
8Connor Graham [2]
9Chris Greenhalgh [2]
10Caroline Howells [4]
11Steven Mills [1]
12Kher Hui Ng [3]
13Tuvi Orbach [3]
14Dhaval Patel [4]
15Tony P. Pridmore [1] [4]
16Tom Rodden [3]
17Mark Rouncefield [2]
18Holger Schnädelbach [3]
19Brendan Walker [3]
20Michael Wright [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)