
Paulo M. França

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7EEVinícius Garcia, Paulo M. França, Alexandre Mendes, Pablo Moscato: A parallel memetic algorithm applied to the total tardiness machine scheduling problem. IPDPS 2006
6EEAlexandre Mendes, Carlos Cotta, Vinícius Garcia, Paulo M. França, Pablo Moscato: Gene Ordering in Microarray Data Using Parallel Memetic Algorithms. ICPP Workshops 2005: 604-611
5EELuciana S. Buriol, Paulo M. França, Pablo Moscato: A New Memetic Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem. J. Heuristics 10(5): 483-506 (2004)
4EECarlos Cotta, Alexandre Mendes, Vinícius Garcia, Paulo M. França, Pablo Moscato: Applying Memetic Algorithms to the Analysis of Microarray Data. EvoWorkshops 2003: 22-32
3EEAlexandre Mendes, Paulo M. França, Pablo Moscato, Vinícius Garcia: Population Studies for the Gate Matrix Layout Problem. IBERAMIA 2002: 319-339
2EEPaulo M. França, Vinícius Amaral Armentano, Regina Berretta, Alistair Richard Clark: A heuristic method for lot-sizing in multi-stage systems. Computers & OR 24(9): 861-874 (1997)
1EEPaulo M. França, Michel Gendreau, Gilbert Laporte, Felipe Martins Müller: A composite heuristic for the identical parallel machine scheduling problem with minimum makespan objective. Computers & OR 21(2): 205-210 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Vinícius Amaral Armentano [2]
2Regina Berretta [2]
3Luciana S. Buriol [5]
4Alistair Richard Clark [2]
5Carlos Cotta [4] [6]
6Vinícius Garcia [3] [4] [6] [7]
7Michel Gendreau [1]
8Gilbert Laporte [1]
9Alexandre Mendes [3] [4] [6] [7]
10Pablo Moscato [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
11Felipe Martins Müller [1]

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