
Federico Fontana

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18EEYon Visell, Jeremy R. Cooperstock, Bruno L. Giordano, Karmen Franinovic, Alvin Law, Stephen McAdams, Kunal Jathal, Federico Fontana: A Vibrotactile Device for Display of Virtual Ground Materials in Walking. EuroHaptics 2008: 420-426
17EEDelphine Devallez, Davide Rocchesso, Federico Fontana: An Audio-Haptic Interface Concept Based on Depth Information. HAID 2008: 102-110
16EEDelphine Devallez, Federico Fontana, Davide Rocchesso: An audio-haptic interface based on auditory depth cues. ICMI 2008: 209-216
15EEFederico Fontana, Davide Rocchesso: Auditory distance perception in an acoustic pipe. TAP 5(3): (2008)
14EEFederico Fontana, Vincenzo Manca: Discrete solutions to differential equations by metabolic P systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 372(2-3): 165-182 (2007)
13EELuca Bianco, Federico Fontana: Towards a Hybrid Metabolic Algorithm. Workshop on Membrane Computing 2006: 183-196
12EELuca Bianco, Federico Fontana, Giuditta Franco, Vincenzo Manca: P Systems for Biological Dynamics. Applications of Membrane Computing 2006: 83-128
11EELuca Bianco, Federico Fontana, Vincenzo Manca: P systems with reaction maps. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 17(1): 27-48 (2006)
10EEFederico Fontana, Luca Bianco, Vincenzo Manca: A symbolic approach to the simulation of biochemical models: application to circadian rhythms. CSB Workshops 2005: 168-169
9EELuca Bianco, Federico Fontana, Vincenzo Manca: Reaction-Driven Membrane Systems. ICNC (2) 2005: 1155-1158
8EEFederico Fontana, Luca Bianco, Vincenzo Manca: P Systems and the Modeling of Biochemical Oscillations. Workshop on Membrane Computing 2005: 199-208
7EEVincenzo Manca, Luca Bianco, Federico Fontana: Evolution and Oscillation in P Systems: Applications to Biological Phenomena. Workshop on Membrane Computing 2004: 63-84
6EEFederico Fontana, Giuditta Franco: Finding the Maximum Element Using P Systems. J. UCS 10(5): 567-580 (2004)
5EEFederico Fontana, Davide Rocchesso, Laura Ottaviani: A Structural Approach to Distance Rendering in Personal Auditory Displays. ICMI 2002: 33-38
4EEAndrea Fusiello, Antonello Panuccio, Vittorio Murino, Federico Fontana, Davide Rocchesso: A Multimodal Electronic Travel Aid Device. ICMI 2002: 39-46
3EEFederico Fontana, Andrea Fusiello, M. Gobbi, Vittorio Murino, Davide Rocchesso, L. Sartor, Antonello Panuccio: A Cross-Modal Electronic Travel Aid Device. Mobile HCI 2002: 393-397
2EEFederico Fontana, Davide Rocchesso: Signal-Theoretic Characterization of Waveguide Mesh Geometries for Models of Two-Dimensional Wave Propagation in Elastic Media CoRR cs.NA/0101003: (2001)
1EEFederico Fontana, Davide Rocchesso: Online Correction of Dispersion Error in 2D Waveguide Meshes CoRR cs.SD/0006026: (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Luca Bianco [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
2Jeremy R. Cooperstock [18]
3Delphine Devallez [16] [17]
4Giuditta Franco [6] [12]
5Karmen Franinovic [18]
6Andrea Fusiello [3] [4]
7Bruno L. Giordano [18]
8M. Gobbi [3]
9Kunal Jathal [18]
10Alvin Law [18]
11Vincenzo Manca [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14]
12Stephen McAdams [18]
13Vittorio Murino [3] [4]
14Laura Ottaviani [5]
15Antonello Panuccio [3] [4]
16Davide Rocchesso [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [15] [16] [17]
17L. Sartor [3]
18Yon Visell [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)