
Nelson Luis Saldanha da Fonseca

Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca

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34EEDaniel M. Batista, André C. Drummond, Nelson Luis Saldanha da Fonseca: Robust scheduler for grid networks. SAC 2009: 35-39
33EEGustavo B. Figueiredo, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: The Least Reusable Channel Burst Scheduling Discipline. GLOBECOM 2008: 1364-1269
32EEGustavo B. Figueiredo, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Cesar A. V. Melo: Identification of the Cut-off Scale of OBS Ingress Traffic. GLOBECOM 2008: 1491-1496
31EEAndré C. Drummond, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Russ Gyurek: A Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithm for the Wavelength Assignment in WDM Mesh Networks. ICC 2008: 181-185
30EEJuliana de Santi, Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, Michele M. A. E. Lima: Active Queue Management Controller for the High Speed TCP Protocol. ICC 2008: 6-11
29EEDaniel M. Batista, André C. Drummond, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: Scheduling grid tasks under uncertain demands. SAC 2008: 2041-2045
28EEDaniel M. Batista, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Flávio Keidi Miyazawa, Fabrizio Granelli: Self-adjustment of resource allocation for grid applications. Computer Networks 52(9): 1762-1781 (2008)
27EEAndré C. Drummond, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Michael Devetsikiotis: A multiobjective fuzzy bandwidth partitioning model for self-sizing networks. European Journal of Operational Research 191(3): 1161-1174 (2008)
26EEDaniel A. G. Manzato, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: Incentive mechanism for the CoopNet network. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 1(1): 29-44 (2008)
25EEJuliana Freitag Borin, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: Simulator for WiMAX networks. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(7): 817-833 (2008)
24EEJuliana Freitag Borin, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: Uplink Scheduling with Quality of Service in IEEE 802.16 Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 2503-2508
23EELeonardo R. Augusto, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Michele M. A. Lima: An Optimal AQM Controller for the DiffServ Architecture. GLOBECOM 2007: 2684-2689
22EEFlávio de Melo Pereira, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Dalton S. Arantes: A Fair Scheduling Discipline for Ethernet Passive Optical Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 2702-2707
21EELarissa O. Ostrowsky, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Cesar A. V. Melo: A Traffic Model for UDP Flows. ICC 2007: 217-222
20EEDaniel M. Batista, Nelson Luis Saldanha da Fonseca, Fabrizio Granelli, Dzmitry Kliazovich: Self-Adjusting Grid Networks. ICC 2007: 344-349
19EEDaniel M. Batista, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Flávio Keidi Miyazawa: A set of schedulers for grid networks. SAC 2007: 209-213
18EERogerio M. Zafalao, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: A video broadcasting protocol for bandwidth-constrained clients. Int. Journal of Network Management 17(5): 389-398 (2007)
17EEDaniel A. G. Manzato, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: An Incentive Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Networks with Live Streaming. GLOBECOM 2006
16EERogerio M. Zafalao, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: Periodic Broadcasting Protocols for Clients with Bandwidth Limitation. GLOBECOM 2006
15EEMarcelo M. Uesono, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Marcos Rogério Salvador: Promoting Fairness Among TCP Connections in Optical Packet-Switched Rings. GLOBECOM 2006
14EEGustavo B. Figueiredo, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, José Augusto Suruagy Monteiro: A minimum interference routing algorithm with reduced computational complexity. Computer Networks 50(11): 1710-1732 (2006)
13EEMichael Devetsikiotis, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: Modeling network traffic with long range dependence: characterization, visualization and tools. Computer Networks 48(3): 289-291 (2005)
12EECesar A. V. Melo, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: Envelope process and computation of the equivalent bandwidth of multifractal flows. Computer Networks 48(3): 351-375 (2005)
11EENelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Hana K. Rubinsztejn: Dimensioning the capacity of true video-on-demand servers. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 7(5): 932-941 (2005)
10 Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Sergio A. Yunes: On the Need for Frame Discarding in Cell-Switched Networks. J. Network Syst. Manage. 12(3): (2004)
9EEMichael Devetsikiotis, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: Advances in modeling and engineering of long-range dependent traffic. Computer Networks 40(3): 317-318 (2002)
8EEFlávio de Melo Pereira, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Dalton S. Arantes: On the performance of generalized processor sharing servers under long-range dependent traffic. Computer Networks 40(3): 413-431 (2002)
7EENelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Roberto De A. Façanha: The look-ahead-maximize-batch batching policy. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 4(1): 114-120 (2002)
6 Roberto De A. Façanha, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca: A Piggybacking Policy for Reducing the Bandwidth Demand of Video Servers. MMNS 2000: 225-236
5EENelson L. S. da Fonseca, Gilberto S. Mayor, Cesar A. V. Neto: On the equivalent bandwidth of self-similar sources. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 10(2): 104-124 (2000)
4 Roberto De A. Façanha, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca, Pedro Jussieu de Rezende: The S2 Piggybacking Policy. Multimedia Tools Appl. 8(3): 371-383 (1999)
3 Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, Cristiane M. R. Franco, Frank Schaffa: Network Design for the Provision of Distributed Home Theatre Services. ICC (1) 1997: 534-539
2 Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, John A. Silvester: Modelling the Output Process of an ATM Multiplexer with Correlated Priorities. ICC (2) 1997: 816-821
1 John A. Silvester, Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, Shiouming Stanley Wang: D-BMAP models for performance evaluation of ATM networks. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1994: 325-346

Coauthor Index

1Dalton S. Arantes [8] [22]
2Leonardo R. Augusto [23]
3Daniel M. Batista [19] [20] [28] [29] [34]
4Juliana Freitag Borin [24] [25]
5Michael Devetsikiotis [9] [13] [27]
6André C. Drummond [27] [29] [31] [34]
7Roberto De A. Façanha [4] [6] [7]
8Gustavo B. Figueiredo [14] [32] [33]
9Cristiane M. R. Franco [3]
10Fabrizio Granelli [20] [28]
11Russ Gyurek [31]
12Dzmitry Kliazovich [20]
13Michele M. A. Lima [23]
14Michele M. A. E. Lima [30]
15Daniel A. G. Manzato [17] [26]
16Gilberto S. Mayor [5]
17Cesar A. V. Melo [12] [21] [32]
18Flávio Keidi Miyazawa (Flavio Keidi Miyazawa) [19] [28]
19José Augusto Suruagy Monteiro [14]
20Cesar A. V. Neto [5]
21Larissa O. Ostrowsky [21]
22Flávio de Melo Pereira [8] [22]
23Pedro Jussieu de Rezende [4]
24Hana K. Rubinsztejn [11]
25Marcos Rogério Salvador [15]
26Juliana de Santi [30]
27Frank Schaffa [3]
28John A. Silvester [1] [2]
29Marcelo M. Uesono [15]
30Shiouming Stanley Wang [1]
31Sergio A. Yunes [10]
32Rogerio M. Zafalao [16] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)