
Viacheslav Fofanov

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7 Aaron Skewes, Michael Quance, Catherine Putonti, Viacheslav Fofanov, Yuriy Fofanov: Statistical Properties of Short n-mers Located in the One Mismatch Area of Microbial Genomes. BIOCOMP 2007: 760-766
6EEChris Reed, Viacheslav Fofanov, Catherine Putonti, Sergei Chumakov, Tom Slezak, Yuriy Fofanov: Effect of the mutation rate and background size on the quality of pathogen identification. Bioinformatics 23(20): 2665-2671 (2007)
5EEBrian Y. Chen, Drew H. Bryant, Viacheslav Fofanov, David M. Kristensen, Amanda E. Cruess, Marek Kimmel, Olivier Lichtarge, Lydia E. Kavraki: Cavity Scaling: Automated Refinement of Cavity-Aware motifs in protein Function Prediction. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 5(2a): 353-382 (2007)
4EEBrian Y. Chen, Viacheslav Fofanov, Drew H. Bryant, Bradley D. Dodson, David M. Kristensen, Andreas Martin Lisewski, Marek Kimmel, Olivier Lichtarge, Lydia E. Kavraki: The MASH Pipeline for Protein Function Prediction and an Algorithm for the Geometric Refinement of 3D Motifs. Journal of Computational Biology 14(6): 791-816 (2007)
3EEBrian Y. Chen, Viacheslav Fofanov, Drew H. Bryant, Bradley D. Dodson, David M. Kristensen, Andreas Martin Lisewski, Marek Kimmel, Olivier Lichtarge, Lydia E. Kavraki: Geometric Sieving: Automated Distributed Optimization of 3D Motifs for Protein Function Prediction. RECOMB 2006: 500-515
2EEBrian Y. Chen, Viacheslav Fofanov, David M. Kristensen, Marek Kimmel, Olivier Lichtarge, Lydia E. Kavraki: Algorithms for Structural Comparison and Statistical Analysis of 3D Protein Motifs. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2005
1EEYuriy Fofanov, Yi Luo, Charles Katili, Jim Wang, Yuri Belosludtsev, Thomas Powdrill, Chetan Belapurkar, Viacheslav Fofanov, Tong-Bin Li, Sergei Chumakov, B. Montgomery Pettitt: How independent are the appearances of n-mers in different genomes? Bioinformatics 20(15): 2421-2428 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Chetan Belapurkar [1]
2Yuri Belosludtsev [1]
3Drew H. Bryant [3] [4] [5]
4Brian Y. Chen [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Sergei Chumakov [1] [6]
6Amanda E. Cruess [5]
7Bradley D. Dodson [3] [4]
8Yuriy Fofanov [1] [6] [7]
9Charles Katili [1]
10Lydia E. Kavraki [2] [3] [4] [5]
11Marek Kimmel [2] [3] [4] [5]
12David M. Kristensen [2] [3] [4] [5]
13Tong-Bin Li [1]
14Olivier Lichtarge [2] [3] [4] [5]
15Andreas Martin Lisewski [3] [4]
16Yi Luo [1]
17B. Montgomery Pettitt [1]
18Thomas Powdrill [1]
19Catherine Putonti [6] [7]
20Michael Quance [7]
21Chris Reed [6]
22Aaron Skewes [7]
23Tom Slezak [6]
24Jim Wang [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)