
Seth R. Goldman

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5EECharles P. Dolan, Thomas V. Cuda, Seth R. Goldman, Alan M. Nakamura: Hughes Trainable Text Skimmer: description of the TTS system as used for MUC-3. MUC 1991: 155-162
4EECharles P. Dolan, Thomas V. Cuda, Seth R. Goldman, Alan M. Nakamura: Hughes Trainable Text Skimmer: MUC-3 test results and analysis. MUC 1991: 76-78
3 Charles E. Taylor, David R. Jefferson, Scott R. Turner, Seth R. Goldman: RAM: Artificial Life for the Exploration of Complex Biological Systems. ALIFE 1987: 275-296
2EESeth R. Goldman, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers: Precedent-Based Legal Reasoning and Knowledge Acquisition in Contract Law: A Process Model. ICAIL 1987: 210-221
1 Seth R. Goldman, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers: Learning to Understand Contractual Situations. IJCAI 1985: 291-293

Coauthor Index

1Thomas V. Cuda [4] [5]
2Charles P. Dolan [4] [5]
3Michael G. Dyer [1] [2]
4Margot Flowers [1] [2]
5David R. Jefferson [3]
6Alan M. Nakamura [4] [5]
7Charles E. Taylor [3]
8Scott R. Turner [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)