
Petra Hoepner

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13 Antonis Ramfos, Stamatis Karnouskos, András Vilmos, Balázs Csik, Petra Hoepner, Nikolaos Venetakis: SEMOPS: Paying with Mobile Devices. I3E 2004: 247-261
12EEBernd Blobel, Petra Hoepner, Robert Joop, Stamatis Karnouskos, Geert Kleinhuis, George I. Stassinopoulos: Using a privilege management infrastructure for secure web-based e-health applications. Computer Communications 26(16): 1863-1872 (2003)
11EEBernd Blobel, George I. Stassinopoulos, Petra Hoepner: Secure and Interoperable Document Management over the Internet - The Generic HARP Cross-Security Platform for Clinical Studies. ISMDA 2001: 69-74
10 Klaus-Peter Eckert, Petra Hoepner, Evgenia Rosa: Mit TINA zum offenen Dienstmarkt. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1999: 290-301
9 Bengt-Erik Johansson, Mikael Andréasson, Hannu Flinck, Matti Kalervo, Osmo Vuorenmaa, Petra Hoepner, Raymond DaSilva: Divide Your Systems to Conquer the Market. ECMAST 1997: 37-50
8 Petra Hoepner, Reinhard Baier, Christian Gran, Klaus Hofrichter, Angela Scheller: PENGUIN - Enabling and Combining DAVIC and the WWW. ICMCS 1997: 652-653
7 Reinhard Baier, Christian Gran, Petra Hoepner, Klaus Hofrichter, Angela Scheller: PENGUIN: DAVIC and the WWW in Coexistence. IDMS 1997: 77-86
6 Petra Hoepner, Marek Szymañski, Marcel P. P. Baveco: MMMS - A Multimedia Mail Service Prototype. Broadband Islands 1994: 125-136
5 Marek Szymañski, Petra Hoepner, Marcel P. P. Baveco: Multimedia Mail Services. HPN 1994: 391-405
4 Marcel P. P. Baveco, Gert H. Kruithof, L. J. Teunissen, Petra Hoepner: MultiMedia Mail using OSI: Bridging the gap between what exists and what is required. Broadband Islands 1993: 293-298
3EEPetra Hoepner: Synchronizing the presentation of multimedia objects. Computer Communications 15(9): 557-564 (1992)
2 Petra Hoepner: Synchronisation der Präsentation fon Multimedia-Objekten - Modell und Beispiele. GI Jahrestagung 1991: 455-464
1 Petra Hoepner: Presentation Scheduling of Multimedia Objects and Its Impact on Network and Operating System Support. NOSSDAV 1991: 132-143

Coauthor Index

1Mikael Andréasson [9]
2Reinhard Baier [7] [8]
3Marcel P. P. Baveco [4] [5] [6]
4Bernd Blobel [11] [12]
5Balázs Csik [13]
6Raymond DaSilva [9]
7Klaus-Peter Eckert [10]
8Hannu Flinck [9]
9Christian Gran [7] [8]
10Klaus Hofrichter [7] [8]
11Bengt-Erik Johansson [9]
12Robert Joop [12]
13Matti Kalervo [9]
14Stamatis Karnouskos [12] [13]
15Geert Kleinhuis [12]
16Gert H. Kruithof [4]
17Antonis Ramfos [13]
18Evgenia Rosa [10]
19Angela Scheller [7] [8]
20George I. Stassinopoulos [11] [12]
21Marek Szymañski [5] [6]
22L. J. Teunissen [4]
23Nikolaos Venetakis [13]
24András Vilmos [13]
25Osmo Vuorenmaa [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)