
Tor Flå

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6 Said Hassan Ahmed, Tor Flå: A Method to Identify Essential Features of Cold-adapted Enzymes. BIOCOMP 2008: 910-917
5EESteinar Thorvaldsen, Elinor Ytterstad, Tor Flå: Inferring Weak Adaptations and Selection Biases in Proteins from Composition and Substitution Matrices. ISBRA 2007: 382-393
4EESaid Hassan Ahmed, Tor Flå: Estimation of Evolutionary Average Hydrophobicity Profile from a Family of Protein Sequences. PRIB 2007: 158-165
3EESteinar Thorvaldsen, Elinor Ytterstad, Tor Flå: Property-Dependent Analysis of Aligned Proteins from Two Or More Populations. APBC 2006: 169-178
2EEEirik Fossgård, Tor Flå: An Invariant Bayesian Model Selection Principle for Gaussian Data in a Sparse Representation. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(8): 3438-3455 (2006)
1EESteinar Thorvaldsen, Tor Flå, Nils Willassen: Extracting Molecular Diversity Between Populations Through Sequence Alignments. ISBMDA 2005: 317-328

Coauthor Index

1Said Hassan Ahmed [4] [6]
2Eirik Fossgård [2]
3Steinar Thorvaldsen [1] [3] [5]
4Nils Willassen [1]
5Elinor Ytterstad [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)