
Craig M. Files

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8EEMark H. Nodine, Craig M. Files: A Mature Methodology for Implementing Multi-Valued Logic in Silicon. ISMVL 2008: 2-7
7EECraig M. Files, Mark H. Nodine: MDD with Added Null-Value and All-Value Edges. ISMVL 2008: 64-69
6EEChristophe Mues, Bart Baesens, Craig M. Files, Jan Vanthienen: Decision Diagrams in Machine Learning: An Empirical Study on Real-Life Credit-Risk Data. Diagrams 2004: 395-397
5EEChristophe Mues, Bart Baesens, Craig M. Files, Jan Vanthienen: Decision diagrams in machine learning: an empirical study on real-life credit-risk data. Expert Syst. Appl. 27(2): 257-264 (2004)
4EECraig M. Files, Marek A. Perkowski: New multivalued functional decomposition algorithms based on MDDs. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 19(9): 1081-1086 (2000)
3EECraig M. Files, Marek A. Perkowski: An Error Reducing Approach to Machine Learning using Multi-Valued Functional Decomposition. ISMVL 1998: 167-172
2EECraig M. Files, Marek A. Perkowski: Multi-Valued Functional Decomposition as a Machine Learning Method. ISMVL 1998: 173-
1EECraig M. Files, Rolf Drechsler, Marek A. Perkowski: Functional Decomposition of MVL Functions Using Multi-Valued Decision Diagrams. ISMVL 1997: 27-

Coauthor Index

1Bart Baesens [5] [6]
2Rolf Drechsler [1]
3Christophe Mues [5] [6]
4Mark H. Nodine [7] [8]
5Marek A. Perkowski [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Jan Vanthienen [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)