
Mark A. Fienup

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6EEAleksandar Poleksic, Mark A. Fienup: Optimizing the size of the sequence profiles to increase the accuracy of protein sequence alignments generated by profile-profile algorithms. Bioinformatics 24(9): 1145-1153 (2008)
5EEAleksandar Poleksic, Mark A. Fienup, Joseph F. Danzer, Derek A. Debe: A Different Look at the Quality of Modeled Three-Dimensional protein Structures. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 6(2): 335-345 (2008)
4EESue Fitzgerald, Merry McDonald, Norbert J. Kubilus, Mark A. Fienup, Dian Lopez: Student outcomes assessment (panel session): what works and what doesn't. SIGCSE 2000: 405-406
3EEShakil Akhtar, Nizar Al-Holou, Mark A. Fienup, Gail T. Finley, Robert S. Roos, Sam Tannouri: The networks course: old problems, new solutions. SIGCSE 1999: 360-361
2 Mark A. Fienup, Suresh C. Kothari: CMP: A Memory-Constrained Scalability Metric. PPSC 1995: 848-849
1 Mark A. Fienup, Suresh C. Kothari: A Memory Constrained Scalability Metric. ICPP (3) 1994: 1-7

Coauthor Index

1Shakil Akhtar [3]
2Nizar Al-Holou [3]
3Joseph F. Danzer [5]
4Derek A. Debe [5]
5Gail T. Finley [3]
6Sue Fitzgerald [4]
7Suresh C. Kothari [1] [2]
8Norbert J. Kubilus [4]
9Dian Lopez [4]
10Merry McDonald [4]
11Aleksandar Poleksic [5] [6]
12Robert S. Roos [3]
13Sam Tannouri [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)