
Ingo Claßen

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15EEIngo Claßen, Klaus Hennig, Ingo Mohr, Michael Schulz: CUI to GUI Migration: Static Analysis of Character-Based Panels. CSMR 1997: 144-149
14EEIngo Claßen, Herbert Weber, Yanbo Han: Towards evolutionary and adaptive workflow systems-infrastructure support based on Higher-Order Object Nets and CORBA. EDOC 1997: 300-
13 Sebastian Erdmann, Ingo Claßen: ALPHA - A Class Library for a Metamodel Based on Algebraic Graph Theory. AMAST 1996: 625-628
12 Ingo Claßen, Martin Große-Rhode, Uwe Wolter: Categorical Concepts for Parameterized Partial Specifications. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 5(2): 153-188 (1995)
11 Roswitha Bardohl, Ingo Claßen: Graphical Support for Prototyping of Algebraic Specifications. GI Jahrestagung 1994: 19-26
10 Ingo Claßen, Michael Löwe, Susanne Waßerroth, Jan Wortmann: Static and Dynamic Semantics of Entity-Relationship Models Based on Algebraic Methods. GI Jahrestagung 1994: 2-9
9 Martin Gogolla, Ingo Claßen: An Object-Oriented Design for the ACT ONE Environment. AMAST 1993: 359-366
8 Hartmut Ehrig, Bernd Mahr, Ingo Claßen, Fernando Orejas: Introduction to Algebraic Specification. Part 1: Formal Methods for Software Development. Comput. J. 35(5): 460-467 (1992)
7 Hartmut Ehrig, Bernd Mahr, Ingo Claßen, Fernando Orejas: Introduction to Algebraic Specification. Part 2: From Classical View to Foundations of System Specifications. Comput. J. 35(5): 468-477 (1992)
6 Hartmut Ehrig, Ingo Claßen: Overview of Algebraic Specification Languages Environments and Tools, and Algebraic Specifications of Software Systems. Bulletin of the EATCS 40: 172-181 (1990)
5 Hartmut Ehrig, Ingo Claßen: Overview of algebraic specification languages, enviroments and tools, and algebraic specifications of software systems(Part 3). Bulletin of the EATCS 41: 145-153 (1990)
4 Hartmut Ehrig, Ingo Claßen, Paul Boehm, Werner Fey, Martin Korff, Michael Löwe: Algebraic Concepts for Software Development in ACT ONE, ACT TWO and LOTOS (eingeladener Vortrag). Software-Entwicklung 1989: 201-224
3 Hartmut Ehrig, Ingo Claßen: Overview of Algebraic Specification Languages Environments and Tools, and Algebraic Specifications of Software Systems. Bulletin of the EATCS 39: 103-111 (1989)
2 Ingo Claßen: A Revised Version of ACT ONE. ADT 1988
1 Ingo Claßen: Revised ACT ONE: Categorical Constructions for an Algebraic Specification Language. Categorial Methods in Computer Science 1988: 124-141

Coauthor Index

1Roswitha Bardohl [11]
2Paul Boehm [4]
3Hartmut Ehrig [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
4Sebastian Erdmann [13]
5Werner Fey [4]
6Martin Gogolla [9]
7Martin Große-Rhode [12]
8Yanbo Han [14]
9Klaus Hennig [15]
10Martin Korff [4]
11Michael Löwe [4] [10]
12Bernd Mahr [7] [8]
13Ingo Mohr [15]
14Fernando Orejas [7] [8]
15Michael Schulz [15]
16Susanne Waßerroth [10]
17Herbert Weber [14]
18Uwe Wolter [12]
19Jan Wortmann [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)