
Alfred Fettweis

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8EENirmal K. Bose, Alfred Fettweis: Skew-symmetry in the equivalent representation problem of a time-varying multiport inductor. ISCAS (3) 2003: 662-665
7EEAlfred Fettweis: Can signals truly be faster than light? Signal Processing 83(8): 1583-1596 (2003)
6EEAlfred Fettweis, Nirmal K. Bose: A property of Jacobian matrices and some of its consequences. ISCAS (3) 2002: 345-348
5EEAlfred Fettweis: Improved wave-digital approach to numerically integrating the PDES of fluid dynamics. ISCAS (3) 2002: 361-364
4EEAlfred Fettweis, G. A. Seraji: New results in numerically integrating PDES by the wave digital approach. ISCAS (5) 1999: 17-20
3 Lizhong Zhu, Wenzhe Li, Alfred Fettweis: Lossy transformation technique applied to the synthesis of multidimensional lossless filters. ISCAS 1993: 926-929
2EEAlfred Fettweis, Gunnar Nitsche: Numerical integration of partial differential equations using principles of multidimensional wave digital filters. VLSI Signal Processing 3(1-2): 7-24 (1991)
1 Alfred Fettweis: Numerische Integration partieller Differentialgleichungen mit Hilfe diskreter passiver dynamischer Systeme. ASST 1990: 22

Coauthor Index

1Nirmal K. Bose [6] [8]
2Wenzhe Li [3]
3Gunnar Nitsche [2]
4G. A. Seraji [4]
5Lizhong Zhu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)