
Fabien Feschet

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30EEYan Gérard, Fabien Feschet, David Coeurjolly: Gift-Wrapping Based Preimage Computation Algorithm. DGCI 2008: 310-321
29EEAlexandre Faure, Fabien Feschet: Tangential Cover for Thick Digital Curves. DGCI 2008: 358-369
28EEFabien Feschet: The lattice width and quasi-straightness in digital spaces. ICPR 2008: 1-4
27EEAlexandre Faure, Fabien Feschet: Robust Decomposition of Thick Digital Shapes. IWCIA 2008: 148-159
26EEFabien Feschet, Jean-Pierre Reveillès: A Generic Approach for n-Dimensional Digital Lines. DGCI 2006: 29-40
25EERita Zrour, Pierre Y. Chatelier, Fabien Feschet, Rémy Malgouyres: Parallelization of a Discrete Radiosity Method. Euro-Par 2006: 740-750
24EEFabien Feschet: The Exact Lattice Width of Planar Sets and Minimal Arithmetical Thickness. IWCIA 2006: 25-33
23EERita Zrour, Fabien Feschet, Rémy Malgouyres: Parallelization of a Discrete Radiosity Method Using Scene Division. OTM Conferences (2) 2006: 1213-1222
22EEIsabelle Debled-Rennesson, Fabien Feschet, Jocelyne Rouyer-Degli: Optimal blurred segments decomposition of noisy shapes in linear time. Computers & Graphics 30(1): 30-36 (2006)
21EEFabien Feschet, Yan Gérard: Computerized Tomography with Digital Lines and Linear Programming. DGCI 2005: 126-135
20EEIsabelle Debled-Rennesson, Fabien Feschet, Jocelyne Rouyer-Degli: Optimal Blurred Segments Decomposition in Linear Time. DGCI 2005: 371-382
19EEFabien Feschet: Fast Guaranteed Polygonal Approximations of Closed Digital Curves. SCIA 2005: 910-919
18EEFrançois de Vieilleville, Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, Fabien Feschet: Maximal Digital Straight Segments and Convergence of Discrete Geometric Estimators. SCIA 2005: 988-997
17EEFabien Feschet, Laure Tougne: On the min DSS problem of closed discrete curves. Discrete Applied Mathematics 151(1-3): 138-153 (2005)
16EEDavid Coeurjolly, Isabelle Sivignon, Florent Dupont, Fabien Feschet, Jean-Marc Chassery: On digital plane preimage structure. Discrete Applied Mathematics 151(1-3): 78-92 (2005)
15EEYan Gérard, Fabien Feschet: Application of a discrete tomography algorithm to computerized tomography. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20: 501-517 (2005)
14EEFabien Feschet: Canonical representations of discrete curves. Pattern Anal. Appl. 8(1-2): 84-94 (2005)
13EEFabien Feschet, Laure Tougne: An approach for the estimation of the precision of a real object from its digitization. Discrete Applied Mathematics 139(1-3): 51-63 (2004)
12EEDavid Coeurjolly, Isabelle Sivignon, Florent Dupont, Fabien Feschet, Jean-Marc Chassery: Digital plane preimage structure. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 12: 220-231 (2003)
11EEFabien Feschet, Laure Tougne: On the min DSS problem of closed discrete curves. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 12: 325-336 (2003)
10EECéline Robardet, Fabien Feschet: Efficient Local Search in Conceptual Clustering. Discovery Science 2001: 323-335
9EECéline Robardet, Fabien Feschet: Comparison of Three Objective Functions for Conceptual Clustering. PKDD 2001: 399-410
8EEFabien Feschet, Laure Tougne: An approach for the estimation of the precision of a real object from its digitization. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 46: (2001)
7 Fabien Feschet, Laure Tougne: Generating Isotropic Discrete Waves on Cellular Automata. IJPRAI 15(7): 1007-1021 (2001)
6EECéline Robardet, Fabien Feschet: A New Methodology to Compare Clustering Algorithms. IDEAL 2000: 565-570
5EECéline Robardet, Fabien Feschet: A New Methodology to Compare Clustering Algorithms. IDEAL 2000: 565-570
4EECéline Robardet, Fabien Feschet, Nicolas Nicoloyannis: An Experimental Study of Partition Quality Indices in Clustering. PKDD 2000: 599-604
3EEFabien Feschet, Laure Tougne: Optimal Time Computation of the Tangent of a Discrete Curve: Application to the Curvature. DGCI 1999: 31-40
2 Fabien Feschet, Serge Miguet, Laurent Perroton: ParList: A Parallel Data Structure for Dynamic Load Balancing. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 51(2): 114-135 (1998)
1 Djamel A. Zighed, Ricco Rakotomalala, Fabien Feschet: Optimal Multiple Intervals Discretization of Continuous Attributes for Supervised Learning. KDD 1997: 295-298

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Marc Chassery [12] [16]
2Pierre Y. Chatelier [25]
3David Coeurjolly [12] [16] [30]
4Isabelle Debled-Rennesson [20] [22]
5Florent Dupont [12] [16]
6Alexandre Faure [27] [29]
7Yan Gérard [15] [21] [30]
8Jacques-Olivier Lachaud [18]
9Rémy Malgouyres [23] [25]
10Serge Miguet [2]
11Nicolas Nicoloyannis [4]
12Laurent Perroton [2]
13Ricco Rakotomalala [1]
14Jean-Pierre Reveillès [26]
15Céline Robardet [4] [5] [6] [9] [10]
16Jocelyne Rouyer-Degli [20] [22]
17Isabelle Sivignon [12] [16]
18Laure Tougne [3] [7] [8] [11] [13] [17]
19François de Vieilleville [18]
20Djamel A. Zighed (Djamel Abdelkader Zighed) [1]
21Rita Zrour [23] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)