
Jean-Marc Chassery

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37EESébastien Valette, Jean-Marc Chassery, Rémy Prost: Generic Remeshing of 3D Triangular Meshes with Metric-Dependent Discrete Voronoi Diagrams. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(2): 369-381 (2008)
36EEDinu Coltuc, Jean-Marc Chassery: Very fast watermarking by reversible contrast mapping CoRR abs/0707.0802: (2007)
35EEIsabelle Sivignon, Florent Dupont, Jean-Marc Chassery: Reversible vectorisation of 3D digital planar curves and applications. Image Vision Comput. 25(10): 1644-1656 (2007)
34EEJean-Marc Chassery, David Coeurjolly, Isabelle Sivignon: Duality and Geometry Straightness, Characterization and Envelope. DGCI 2006: 1-16
33EEDinu Coltuc, Jean-Marc Chassery: High Capacity Reversible Watermarking. ICIP 2006: 2565-2568
32EEDinu Coltuc, Philippe Bolon, Jean-Marc Chassery: Exact histogram specification. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(5): 1143-1152 (2006)
31EEIsabelle Sivignon, Florent Dupont, Jean-Marc Chassery: Reversible Polygonalization of a 3D Planar Discrete Curve: Application on Discrete Surfaces. DGCI 2005: 347-358
30EEDavid Coeurjolly, Isabelle Sivignon, Florent Dupont, Fabien Feschet, Jean-Marc Chassery: On digital plane preimage structure. Discrete Applied Mathematics 151(1-3): 78-92 (2005)
29EEIsabelle Sivignon, Florent Dupont, Jean-Marc Chassery: Discrete Surface Segmentation into Discrete Planes. IWCIA 2004: 458-473
28EEBenoit Roue, Patrick Bas, Jean-Marc Chassery: Improving LSB steganalysis using marginal and joint probabilistic distributions. MM&Sec 2004: 75-80
27EESébastien Valette, Jean-Marc Chassery: Approximated Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams for Uniform Polygonal Mesh Coarsening. Comput. Graph. Forum 23(3): 381-390 (2004)
26EEIsabelle Sivignon, Florent Dupont, Jean-Marc Chassery: Digital Intersections: minimal carrier, connectivity, and periodicity properties. Graphical Models 66(4): 226-244 (2004)
25EEIsabelle Sivignon, Florent Dupont, Jean-Marc Chassery: New Results about Digital Intersections. DGCI 2003: 102-113
24EEIsabelle Sivignon, Florent Dupont, Jean-Marc Chassery: Decomposition of a Three-Dimensional Discrete Object Surface into Discrete Plane Pieces. Algorithmica 38(1): 25-43 (2003)
23EEDavid Coeurjolly, Isabelle Sivignon, Florent Dupont, Fabien Feschet, Jean-Marc Chassery: Digital plane preimage structure. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 12: 220-231 (2003)
22EEPatrick Bas, Jean-Marc Chassery, Benoit M. Macq: Geometrically invariant watermarking using feature points. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 11(9): 1014-1028 (2002)
21EEPatrick Bas, Jean-Marc Chassery, Benoit M. Macq: Image watermarking: an evolution to content based approaches. Pattern Recognition 35(3): 545-561 (2002)
20EEL. Rognant, J. G. Planès, M. Memier, Jean-Marc Chassery: Contour Lines and DEM: Generation and Extraction. Digital Earth Moving 2001: 87-97
19EEJean-Marc Chassery, Florent Dupont, Isabelle Sivignon, Joëlle Vittone: Digital Geometry Fundaments: Application to Plane Recognition. ICIAP 2001: 622
18EEAlice Caplier, Laurent Bonnaud, Jean-Marc Chassery: Robust fast extraction of video objects combining frame differences and adaptive reference image. ICIP (2) 2001: 785-788
17EEBoris Vassaux, Patrick Bas, Jean-Marc Chassery: A new CDMA technique for digital image watermarking, enhancing capacity of insertion and robustness. ICIP (3) 2001: 983-986
16EEWilliam Puech, Adrian G. Bors, Ioannis Pitas, Jean-Marc Chassery: Projection distortion analysis for flattened image mosaicing from straight uniform generalized cylinders. Pattern Recognition 34(8): 1657-1670 (2001)
15EEJoëlle Vittone, Jean-Marc Chassery: Recognition of Digital Naive Planes and Polyhedrization. DGCI 2000: 296-307
14EEJoëlle Vittone, Jean-Marc Chassery: (n, m)-Cubes and Farey Nets for Naive Planes Understanding. DGCI 1999: 76-90
13 Guillaume Robert, Nathalie Laurent, Jean-Marc Chassery: Harmonic IFSA Coding Solution for the Vop Constraint. ICIP (1) 1999: 467-471
12EEL. Rognant, Jean-Marc Chassery, S. Goze, J. G. Planès: The Delaunay Constrained Triangulation: The Delaunay Stable Algorithms. IV 1999: 147-152
11 Patrick Bas, Jean-Marc Chassery, Franck Davoine: Using the Fractal Code to Watermark Images. ICIP (1) 1998: 469-473
10EEJ. Lehr, Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, Jean-Marc Chassery: Image restoration in X-ray microscopy: PSF determination and biological applications. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7(2): 258-263 (1998)
9 C. Laurent, Françoise Peyrin, Jean-Marc Chassery, M. Amiel: Parallel Image Reconstruction on MIMD Computers for Three-Dimensional Cone-Beam Tomography. Parallel Computing 24(9-10): 1461-1479 (1998)
8 Adrian G. Bors, William Puech, Ioannis Pitas, Jean-Marc Chassery: Mosaicing of Flattened Images from Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders. CAIP 1997: 122-129
7 Joëlle Vittone, Jean-Marc Chassery: Coexistence of Tricubes in Digital Naive Plane. DGCI 1997: 99-110
6EECorneliu Spinu, Catherine Garbay, Jean-Marc Chassery: Edge detection by estimation and minimization of errors. Pattern Recognition Letters 18(8): 695-704 (1997)
5EEWilliam Puech, Jean-Marc Chassery, Ioannis Pitas: Cylindrical surface localization in monocular vision. Pattern Recognition Letters 18(8): 711-722 (1997)
4EEFranck Davoine, Marc Antonini, Jean-Marc Chassery, Michel Barlaud: Fractal image compression based on Delaunay triangulation and vector quantization. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(2): 338-346 (1996)
3 Corneliu Spinu, Catherine Garbay, Jean-Marc Chassery: A Cooperative and Adaptive Approach to Medical Image Segmentation. AIME 1995: 379-390
2 O. Baujard, Corneliu Spinu, Catherine Garbay, Sylvie Pesty, Jean-Marc Chassery: COALA: un langage pour la conception de systèmes adaptatifs de résolution de problèmes. LMO 1994: 97-110
1 Jean-Marc Chassery, Annick Montanvert: Geometrical Representation of Shapes and Objects for Visual Perception. Geometric Reasoning for Perception and Action 1991: 163-182

Coauthor Index

1M. Amiel [9]
2Marc Antonini [4]
3Michel Barlaud [4]
4Patrick Bas [11] [17] [21] [22] [28]
5O. Baujard [2]
6Philippe Bolon [32]
7Laurent Bonnaud [18]
8Adrian G. Bors [8] [16]
9Alice Caplier [18]
10David Coeurjolly [23] [30] [34]
11Dinu Coltuc [32] [33] [36]
12Franck Davoine [4] [11]
13Florent Dupont [19] [23] [24] [25] [26] [29] [30] [31] [35]
14Fabien Feschet [23] [30]
15Catherine Garbay [2] [3] [6]
16S. Goze [12]
17C. Laurent [9]
18Nathalie Laurent [13]
19J. Lehr [10]
20Benoit M. Macq (Benoît Macq) [21] [22]
21M. Memier [20]
22Annick Montanvert [1]
23Sylvie Pesty [2]
24Françoise Peyrin [9]
25Ioannis Pitas [5] [8] [16]
26J. G. Planès [12] [20]
27Rémy Prost [37]
28William Puech [5] [8] [16]
29Guillaume Robert [13]
30L. Rognant [12] [20]
31Benoit Roue [28]
32Jean-Baptiste Sibarita [10]
33Isabelle Sivignon [19] [23] [24] [25] [26] [29] [30] [31] [34] [35]
34Corneliu Spinu [2] [3] [6]
35Sébastien Valette [27] [37]
36Boris Vassaux [17]
37Joëlle Vittone [7] [14] [15] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)