
François de Ferrière

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7EEFrançois de Ferrière: Improvements to the Psi-SSA representation. SCOPES 2007: 111-121
6EEFrançois de Ferrière: Improvements to the Psi-SSA representation CoRR abs/0705.2126: (2007)
5EEFabrice Rastello, François de Ferrière, Christophe Guillon: Optimizing Translation Out of SSA Using Renaming Constraints. CGO 2004: 265-278
4EEArtour Stoutchinin, François de Ferrière: Efficient static single assignment form for predication. MICRO 2001: 172-181
3EEBenoît Dupont de Dinechin, François de Ferrière, Christophe Guillon, Artour Stoutchinin: Code generator optimizations for the ST120 DSP-MCU core. CASES 2000: 93-102
2EEMichael Weiss, François de Ferrière, Bertrand Delsart, Christian Fabre, Frederick Hirsch, E. Andrew Johnson, Vania Joloboff, Fred Roy, Fridtjof Siebert, Xavier Spengler: TurboJ, a Java Bytecode-to-Native Compiler. LCTES 1998: 119-130
1 Frédéric Broustaut, Christian Fabre, François de Ferrière, Éric Ivanov, Mauro Fiorentini: Verification of ANDF Components. Intermediate Representations Workshop 1995: 103-110

Coauthor Index

1Frédéric Broustaut [1]
2Bertrand Delsart [2]
3Benoît Dupont de Dinechin [3]
4Christian Fabre [1] [2]
5Mauro Fiorentini [1]
6Christophe Guillon [3] [5]
7Frederick Hirsch [2]
8Éric Ivanov [1]
9E. Andrew Johnson [2]
10Vania Joloboff [2]
11Fabrice Rastello [5]
12Fred Roy [2]
13Fridtjof Siebert [2]
14Xavier Spengler [2]
15Arthur Stoutchinin (Artour Stoutchinin) [3] [4]
16Michael Weiss [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)