
Daniel Ferrer

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3EEDaniel Ferrer, Ramiro González, Roberto Fleitas, Julio Pérez Acle, Rafael Canetti: NeuroFPGA - Implementing Artificial Neural Networks on Programmable Logic Devices. DATE 2004: 218-223
2EEStephen Foster, Daniel Ferrer: Electronic mail: expanding library services beyond traditional boundaries. SIGUCCS 1991: 77-80
1EEDaniel Ferrer, William Corya: The twain shall meet: libraries meet academic computing centers. SIGUCCS 1990: 121-125

Coauthor Index

1Julio Pérez Acle [3]
2Rafael Canetti [3]
3William Corya [1]
4Roberto Fleitas [3]
5Stephen Foster [2]
6Ramiro González [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)