
Pedro Ferreira

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10EEPedro Ferreira, Pedro Sanches, Kristina Höök, Tove Jaensson: License to chill!: how to empower users to cope with stress. NordiCHI 2008: 123-132
9EEDiogo R. Ferreira, Marielba Zacarias, Miguel Malheiros, Pedro Ferreira: Approaching Process Mining with Sequence Clustering: Experiments and Findings. BPM 2007: 360-374
8EEPedro Ferreira, João Orvalho, Fernando Boavida: A Middleware Architecture for Mobile and Pervasive Large-Scale Augmented Reality Games. CNSR 2007: 203-212
7EEAlexandre Mateus, Pedro Ferreira: Inefficiency from Provisioning the Internet Selfishly. ICN 2007: 48
6 Pedro Ferreira, João Orvalho, Fernando Boavida: Scalability and Mobility in a Network Middleware for Large Scale Mobile and Pervasive Augmented Reality Games. ICWN 2007: 304-310
5EEPedro Ferreira, Pedro Ribeiro, Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias: A high bit resolution FPGA implementation of a FNN with a new algorithm for the activation function. Neurocomputing 71(1-3): 71-77 (2007)
4EEPedro Ferreira, Marvin A. Sirbu: Inefficiency in provisioning interconnected communication networks. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2005: 137-146
3EEPedro Ferreira, Pedro Ribeiro, Ana Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias: Artificial Neural Networks Processor - A Hardware Implementation Using a FPGA. FPL 2004: 1084-1086
2 Pedro Ferreira: Challenges on the Path to Regular Online Shopping: E-Grocery Sector-UK. ICWI 2003: 1149-1152
1EEJoão Orvalho, Pedro Ferreira, Fernando Boavida: State Transmission Mechanisms for a Collaborative Virtual Environment Middleware Platform. IDMS 2001: 138-153

Coauthor Index

1Ana Antunes [3] [5]
2Fernando Boavida [1] [6] [8]
3Fernando Morgado Dias [3] [5]
4Diogo R. Ferreira [9]
5Kristina Höök [10]
6Tove Jaensson [10]
7Miguel Malheiros [9]
8Alexandre Mateus [7]
9João Orvalho [1] [6] [8]
10Pedro Ribeiro [3] [5]
11Pedro Sanches [10]
12Marvin A. Sirbu [4]
13Marielba Zacarias [9]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)