
Owen Noel Newton Fernando

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12EEAdrian David Cheok, Roger Thomas Kok Chuen Tan, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Tim Robert Merritt, Janyn Yen Ping Sen: Empathetic living media. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2008: 465-473
11EEOwen Noel Newton Fernando, Imiyage Janaka Prasad Wijesena, Adrian David Cheok, Wei Liu, Naoko Tosa: BlogWall: personal and poetic expressions. DIMEA 2007: 186
10EEAdrian David Cheok, Masahiko Inami, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Masa Inakage, Tim Robert Merritt: Explorations on interactive interfaces using cuteness. DIMEA 2007: 3
9EEOwen Noel Newton Fernando, Imiyage Janaka Prasad Wijesena, Adrian David Cheok, Ajith P. Madurapperuma, Lochandaka Ranathunga, Mei Gangwen, Miyuru Dayarathna, Srinivasan Mariappan, Lee Rui Jie Jerome: Media Me: Body and Personal Media Interaction. ICEC 2007: 407-410
8EEAdrian David Cheok, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Imiyage Janaka Prasad Wijesena, Abd-ur-Rehman Mustafa, Anne-Katrin Barthoff, Naoko Tosa: BlogWall: a new paradigm of artistic public mobile communication. Mobile HCI 2007: 333-334
7EEOwen Noel Newton Fernando, Michael Cohen, Adrian David Cheok: Mobile spatial audio interfaces. Mobile HCI 2007: 345-347
6EEAdrian David Cheok, Abd-ur-Rehman Mustafa, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Anne-Katrin Barthoff, Imiyage Janaka Prasad Wijesena, Naoko Tosa: BlogWall: displaying artistic and poetic messages on public displays via SMS. Mobile HCI 2007: 483-486
5EEMichael Cohen, Noor Alamshah Bolhassan, Owen Noel Newton Fernando: A Multiuser Multiperspective Stereographic QTVR Browser Complemented by Java3D Visualizer and Emulator. Presence 16(4): 414-438 (2007)
4EEOwen Noel Newton Fernando, Michael Cohen: Narrowcasting Attributes for Presence Awareness in Collaborative Virtual Environments. CIT 2006: 129
3EEOwen Noel Newton Fernando, Kazuya Adachi, Uresh Chanaka Duminduwardena, Makoto Kawaguchi, Michael Cohen: Audio Narrowcasting and Privacy for Multipresent Avatars on Workstations and Mobile Phones. IEICE Transactions 89-D(1): 73-87 (2006)
2EEOwen Noel Newton Fernando, Kazuya Adachi, Michael Cohen: Phantom Sources for Separation of Listening and Viewing Positions of Multipresent Avatars in Narrowcasting Collaborative Virtual Environments. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 170-175
1EEMichael Cohen, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Uresh Chanaka Duminduwardena, Makoto Kawaguchi, Kazuya Adachi: Audio Narrowcasting for Multipresent Avatars on Workstations and Mobile Phones. ICAT 2003

Coauthor Index

1Kazuya Adachi [1] [2] [3]
2Anne-Katrin Barthoff [6] [8]
3Noor Alamshah Bolhassan [5]
4Adrian David Cheok [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
5Michael Cohen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
6Miyuru Dayarathna [9]
7Uresh Chanaka Duminduwardena [1] [3]
8Mei Gangwen [9]
9Masa Inakage [10]
10Masahiko Inami [10]
11Lee Rui Jie Jerome [9]
12Makoto Kawaguchi [1] [3]
13Wei Liu [11]
14Ajith P. Madurapperuma [9]
15Srinivasan Mariappan [9]
16Tim Robert Merritt [10] [12]
17Abd-ur-Rehman Mustafa [6] [8]
18Lochandaka Ranathunga [9]
19Janyn Yen Ping Sen [12]
20Roger Thomas Kok Chuen Tan [12]
21Naoko Tosa [6] [8] [11]
22Imiyage Janaka Prasad Wijesena [6] [8] [9] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)