
Luis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez

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12EEArturo Rojo Ruiz, Luis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez, Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Sergio Suárez Guerra: Computational Model for Aircraft's Takeoffs Pattern Recognition. CIARP 2008: 14-21
11EERodrigo López Cárdenas, Luis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez, Oleksiy Progrebnyak, Ángel Alberto Costa Montiel: Inter-turn Short Circuit and Unbalanced Voltage Pattern Recognition for Three-Phase Induction Motors. CIARP 2008: 470-478
10EEJosé Luis Oropeza Rodríguez, Sergio Suárez Guerra, Luis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez: Using Adaptive Filter to Increase Automatic Speech Recognition Rate in a Digit Corpus. CIARP 2007: 78-87
9EELuis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez, Oleksiy B. Pogrebnyak, José Luis Oropeza Rodríguez, Sergio Suárez Guerra: Noise Pattern Recognition of Airplanes Taking Off: Task for a Monitoring System. CIARP 2007: 831-840
8EEEnrique Guzmán, Selene Alvarado, Oleksiy B. Pogrebnyak, Luis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez, Cornelio Yáñez: Hardware Implementation of Image Recognition System Based on Morphological Associative Memories and Discrete Wavelet Transform. PSIVT 2007: 664-677
7EEVladimir V. Lukin, Nikolay N. Ponomarenko, Andrey A. Kurekin, Kenneth Lever, Oleksiy B. Pogrebnyak, Luis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez: Approaches to Classification of Multichannel Images. CIARP 2006: 794-803
6EECornelio Yáñez-Márquez, Luis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez, Itzamá López-Yáñez: Alpha-Beta Associative Memories for Gray Level Patterns. ISNN (1) 2006: 818-823
5EELuis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez, Cornelio Yáñez-Márquez, Oleksiy B. Pogrebnyak: Neural Network Based Industrial Processes Monitoring. ISNN (2) 2006: 933-938
4EEOleksiy B. Pogrebnyak, Pablo Ramírez, Luis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez, Roberto Luna: Data Dependent Wavelet Filtering for Lossless Image Compression. CIARP 2005: 285-294
3EELuis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez, Roberto Charles, Oleksiy B. Pogrebnyak: Spectral Patterns for the Generation of Unidirectional Irregular Waves. CIARP 2005: 861-868
2 Luis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez, Lazaro Gorostiaga Canepa, Oleksiy B. Pogrebnyak: Method for alarm prediction. ICINCO 2005: 336-339
1EELuis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez, Oleksiy B. Pogrebnyak, Cornelio Yáñez-Márquez: Neural Network and Trend Prediction for Technological Processes Monitoring. MICAI 2005: 731-740

Coauthor Index

1Selene Alvarado [8]
2Lazaro Gorostiaga Canepa [2]
3Rodrigo López Cárdenas [11]
4Roberto Charles [3]
5Sergio Suárez Guerra [9] [10] [12]
6Enrique Guzmán [8]
7Andrey A. Kurekin [7]
8Kenneth Lever [7]
9Itzamá López-Yáñez [6]
10Vladimir V. Lukin [7]
11Roberto Luna [4]
12Ángel Alberto Costa Montiel [11]
13Oleksiy B. Pogrebnyak [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
14Nikolay N. Ponomarenko [7]
15Oleksiy Progrebnyak [11]
16Pablo Ramírez [4]
17Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón [12]
18José Luis Oropeza Rodríguez [9] [10]
19Arturo Rojo Ruiz [12]
20Cornelio Yáñez [8]
21Cornelio Yáñez-Márquez [1] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)