
Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón

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10EEArturo Rojo Ruiz, Luis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez, Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Sergio Suárez Guerra: Computational Model for Aircraft's Takeoffs Pattern Recognition. CIARP 2008: 14-21
9EESergio Márquez-de-Silva, Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Luis Pastor Sánchez Fernández: A Simple and Effective Method of Color Image Quantization. CIARP 2008: 749-757
8EEEdgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Noel Garcia-Guimeras: Extraction of Blood Vessels in Ophthalmic Color Images of Human Retinas. CIARP 2006: 118-126
7EECornelio Yáñez, Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, I. López-Yáñez, Rolando Flores-Carapia: A Novel Approach to Automatic Color Matching. CIARP 2006: 529-538
6EEAlain C. Gonzalez, Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Oleksiy B. Pogrebnyak: Wavelet transforms and neural networks applied to image retrieval. ICPR (2) 2006: 909-912
5EESergio Suárez Guerra, José Luis Oropeza Rodríguez, Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Jesús Figueroa Nazuno: Speech Recognition Using Energy, MFCCs and Rho Parameters to Classify Syllables in the Spanish Language. MICAI 2006: 1057-1066
4EEAlain C. Gonzalez, Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Oleksiy B. Pogrebnyak: Histograms, Wavelets and Neural Networks Applied to Image Retrieval. MICAI 2006: 820-827
3EESergio Suárez Guerra, José Luis Oropeza Rodríguez, Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Jesús Nazuno: Speech Recognition Using Energy Parameters to Classify Syllables in the Spanish Language. CIARP 2005: 161-170
2EEEdgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Ingrid Castellanos-Bisset, Leudis Sánchez-Cuello: Segmentation of tiny objects in very poor-quality angiogenesis images. Pattern Recognition Letters 26(16): 2579-2587 (2005)
1EEEdgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Mijail del Toro Céspedes: Measurement of Parameters of the Optic Disk in Ophthalmoscopic Color Images of Human Retina. CIARP 2004: 661-668

Coauthor Index

1Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela (Humberto Sossa) [4] [6]
2Ingrid Castellanos-Bisset [2]
3Mijail del Toro Céspedes [1]
4Luis Pastor Sánchez Fernández [9]
5Luis Pastor Sanchez Fernandez [10]
6Rolando Flores-Carapia [7]
7Noel Garcia-Guimeras [8]
8Alain C. Gonzalez [4] [6]
9Sergio Suárez Guerra [3] [5] [10]
10I. López-Yáñez [7]
11Sergio Márquez-de-Silva [9]
12Jesús Nazuno [3]
13Jesús Figueroa Nazuno [5]
14Oleksiy B. Pogrebnyak [4] [6]
15José Luis Oropeza Rodríguez [3] [5]
16Arturo Rojo Ruiz [10]
17Leudis Sánchez-Cuello [2]
18Cornelio Yáñez [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)