
Luiz Gustavo Fernandes

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9EEMariana Luderitz Kolberg, Luiz Gustavo Fernandes, Dalcidio Moraes Claudio: Dense Linear System: A Parallel Self-verified Solver. International Journal of Parallel Programming 36(4): 412-425 (2008)
8EELuiz Gustavo Fernandes, Thiago Nunes, Mateus Raeder, Fabio Giannetti, Alexis Cabeda, Guilherme Bedin: An Improved Parallel XSL-FO Rendering for Personalized Documents. PVM/MPI 2007: 56-63
7EEMariana Luderitz Kolberg, Lucas Baldo, Pedro Velho, Luiz Gustavo Fernandes, Dalcidio Moraes Claudio: Optimizing a Parallel Self-verified Method for Solving Linear Systems. PARA 2006: 949-955
6EEFabio Giannetti, Luiz Gustavo Fernandes, Rogerio Timmers, Thiago Nunes, Mateus Raeder, Márcio Bastos Castro: High performance XSL-FO rendering for variable data printing. SAC 2006: 811-817
5EEMárcio Bastos Castro, Lucas Baldo, Luiz Gustavo Fernandes, Mateus Raeder, Pedro Velho: A Parallel Version for the Propagation Algorithm. PaCT 2005: 403-412
4EELucas Baldo, Leonardo Brenner, Luiz Gustavo Fernandes, Paulo Fernandes, Afonso Sales: Performance Models For Master/Slave Parallel Programs. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 128(4): 101-121 (2005)
3 Isabel Harb Manssour, Luiz Gustavo Fernandes, Carla Maria Dal Sasso Freitas, Gustavo Serra, Thiago Nunes: High performance approach for inner structures visualisation in medical data. IJCAT 22(1): 23-33 (2005)
2EELucas Baldo, Luiz Gustavo Fernandes, Paulo Roisenberg, Pedro Velho, Thais Webber: Parallel PEPS Tool Performance Analysis Using Stochastic Automata Networks. Euro-Par 2004: 214-219
1EELeonardo Brenner, Luiz Gustavo Fernandes, Paulo Fernandes, Afonso Sales: Performance Analysis Issues for Parallel Implementations of Propagation Algorithm. SBAC-PAD 2003: 183-191

Coauthor Index

1Lucas Baldo [2] [4] [5] [7]
2Guilherme Bedin [8]
3Leonardo Brenner [1] [4]
4Alexis Cabeda [8]
5Márcio Bastos Castro [5] [6]
6Dalcidio Moraes Claudio [7] [9]
7Paulo Fernandes (Paulo Henrique Lemelle Fernandes) [1] [4]
8Carla Maria Dal Sasso Freitas (Carla M. D. S. Freitas) [3]
9Fabio Giannetti [6] [8]
10Mariana Luderitz Kolberg [7] [9]
11Isabel Harb Manssour [3]
12Thiago Nunes [3] [6] [8]
13Mateus Raeder [5] [6] [8]
14Paulo Roisenberg [2]
15Afonso Sales [1] [4]
16Gustavo Serra [3]
17Rogerio Timmers [6]
18Pedro Velho [2] [5] [7]
19Thais Webber [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)