
Jufu Feng

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18EELiwei Wang, Masashi Sugiyama, Cheng Yang, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Jufu Feng: On the Margin Explanation of Boosting Algorithms. COLT 2008: 479-490
17EECheng Yang, Liwei Wang, Jufu Feng: On Feature Extraction via Kernels. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 38(2): 553-557 (2008)
16EELiwei Wang, Jufu Feng: Rademacher Margin Complexity. COLT 2007: 620-621
15EEWenquan Xu, Xiaoguang Chen, Jufu Feng: A Robust Fingerprint Matching Approach: Growing and Fusing of Local Structures. ICB 2007: 134-143
14EELiwei Wang, Cheng Yang, Jufu Feng: On learning with dissimilarity functions. ICML 2007: 991-998
13EEXichen Sun, QianSheng Cheng, Jufu Feng: From penalized Maximum Likelihood to Cluster Analysis: a Unified Probabilistic Framework of Clustering. IJPRAI 21(3): 483-490 (2007)
12EEXichen Sun, Liwei Wang, Jufu Feng: Further results on the subspace distance. Pattern Recognition 40(1): 328-329 (2007)
11EEYansong Feng, Jufu Feng, Xiaoguang Chen, Zhen Song: A Novel Fingerprint Matching Scheme Based on Local Structure Compatibility. ICPR (4) 2006: 374-377
10EEJunping Zhang, Chao Shen, Jufu Feng: Classification with the Hybrid of Manifold Learning and Gabor Wavelet. ISNN (1) 2006: 1346-1351
9EELiwei Wang, Jufu Feng: Comments on "Fundamental Limits of Reconstruction-Based Superresolution Algorithms under Local Translation'. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(5): 846 (2006)
8EELiwei Wang, Xiao Wang, Jufu Feng: On image matrix based feature extraction algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 36(1): 194-197 (2006)
7EELiwei Wang, Xiao Wang, Jufu Feng: Subspace distance analysis with application to adaptive Bayesian algorithm for face recognition. Pattern Recognition 39(3): 456-464 (2006)
6EELiwei Wang, Yan Zhang, Jufu Feng: On the Euclidean Distance of Images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(8): 1334-1339 (2005)
5EELiwei Wang, Xiao Wang, Jufu Feng: Intrapersonal subspace analysis with application to adaptive Bayesian face recognition. Pattern Recognition 38(4): 617-621 (2005)
4EELiwei Wang, Xiao Wang, Xuerong Zhang, Jufu Feng: The equivalence of two-dimensional PCA to line-based PCA. Pattern Recognition Letters 26(1): 57-60 (2005)
3EEXinhua Ji, Jufu Feng: A new approach to thinning based on time-reversed heat conduction model. ICIP 2004: 653-656
2EEYan Zhang, Jufu Feng: Eliminating Variation of Face Images Using Face Symmetry. AVBPA 2003: 523-530
1 Hui Yu, Mingjing Li, HongJiang Zhang, Jufu Feng: Color texture moments for content-based image retrieval. ICIP (3) 2002: 929-932

Coauthor Index

1Xiaoguang Chen [11] [15]
2QianSheng Cheng [13]
3Yansong Feng [11]
4Xinhua Ji [3]
5Mingjing Li [1]
6Chao Shen [10]
7Zhen Song [11]
8Masashi Sugiyama [18]
9Xichen Sun [12] [13]
10Liwei Wang [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [12] [14] [16] [17] [18]
11Xiao Wang [4] [5] [7] [8]
12Wenquan Xu [15]
13Cheng Yang [14] [17] [18]
14Hui Yu [1]
15HongJiang Zhang (Hong-Jiang Zhang) [1]
16Junping Zhang [10]
17Xuerong Zhang [4]
18Yan Zhang [2] [6]
19Zhi-Hua Zhou [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)