
Susan Feinberg

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5EEThorsten Frohlich, Susan Feinberg: Challenges to User Testing E-Learning Games with Children in Elementary Schools. ISM 2006: 947-952
4EESusan Feinberg, Margaret Murphy: Applying cognitive load theory to the design of web-based instruction. SIGDOC 2000: 353-360
3 Susan Feinberg: A Methodology for Developing and Testing an Intranet Site. IPCC (2) 1998: 59-63
2EESusan Feinberg, Peter Y. Johnson: Designing and Developing Surveys on WWW Sites. SIGDOC 1998: 38-42
1EESusan Feinberg: Helping the user retrieve data from a CD-ROM. SIGDOC 1991: 3-4

Coauthor Index

1Thorsten Frohlich [5]
2Peter Y. Johnson [2]
3Margaret Murphy [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)