
Ephraim Feig

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19EETony Shan, Ephraim Feig, Thomas Bui, Jia Zhang: Smarter SOA. ICWS 2008: 6-7
18EEEphraim Feig, Vivian Feig: A One-Way Function Based On The Extended Euclidean Algorithm CoRR abs/0801.2187: (2008)
17EEEphraim Feig, Liang-Jie Zhang, Ali Arsanjani, Zhiwei Xu: Services Computing in Action: Services Architectures. ICWS 2007
16EEPat Narendra, Ephraim Feig, David Heit, Quentin Miller, Timo Burns: Mobile Web Services Trend Perspectives. IEEE SCC 2006
15EELing Liu, Carl K. Chang, Ephraim Feig, Hemant K. Jain, Liang-Jie Zhang: Software and Services: Where do they meet? IEEE SCC 2006
14EEEphraim Feig: Experiences with Service Computing--A View from the Business World. ICWS 2005
13EEEphraim Feig: Five Years of Software as a Service: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. ICWS 2005
12EEEphraim Feig, Ali Arsanjani, Cesar A. Gonzales, Zhiwei Xu: Experiences with Service Computing - A view from the Business World. IEEE SCC 2005
11EEEphraim Feig: Five Years of Software as a Service: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. IEEE SCC 2005
10EEEphraim Feig: Going Public with Software-as-a-Service. ICWS 2004
9 Bowen Alpern, Larry Carter, Ephraim Feig, Ted Selker: The Uniform Memory Hierarchy Model of Computation. Algorithmica 12(2/3): 72-109 (1994)
8 Ephraim Feig, Shmuel Winograd: On the multiplicative complexity of discrete cosine transforms. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(4): 1387- (1992)
7 Bowen Alpern, Larry Carter, Ephraim Feig: Uniform Memory Hierarchies FOCS 1990: 600-608
6 Michael Ben-Or, Ephraim Feig, Dexter Kozen, Prasoon Tiwari: A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Determining all Roots of a Polynomial with Real Roots. SIAM J. Comput. 17(6): 1081-1092 (1988)
5 Michael Ben-Or, Ephraim Feig, Dexter Kozen, Prasoon Tiwari: A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Determining All Roots of a Polynomial with Real Roots STOC 1986: 340-349
4 Ephraim Feig: Minimal Algorithms for Bilinear Forms May Have Divisions. J. Algorithms 4(1): 81-84 (1983)
3 Ephraim Feig: Certain Systems of Bilinear Forms Whose Minimal Algorithms Are All Quadratic. J. Algorithms 4(2): 137-149 (1983)
2 Ephraim Feig, Shmuel Winograd: On the Direct Sum Conjecture (Extended Summary) FOCS 1981: 91-94
1 Ephraim Feig: On Systems of Bilinear Forms Whose Minimal Division-Free Algorithms Are All Bilinear. J. Algorithms 2(3): 261-281 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Bowen Alpern [7] [9]
2Ali Arsanjani [12] [17]
3Michael Ben-Or [5] [6]
4Thomas Bui [19]
5Timo Burns [16]
6Larry Carter [7] [9]
7Carl K. Chang [15]
8Vivian Feig [18]
9Cesar A. Gonzales [12]
10David Heit [16]
11Hemant K. Jain [15]
12Dexter Kozen [5] [6]
13Ling Liu [15]
14Quentin Miller [16]
15Pat Narendra [16]
16Ted Selker [9]
17Tony Shan [19]
18Prasoon Tiwari [5] [6]
19Shmuel Winograd [2] [8]
20Zhiwei Xu [12] [17]
21Jia Zhang [19]
22Liang-Jie Zhang [15] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)