
Ali Arsanjani

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27EEMamoun Hirzalla, Jane Cleland-Huang, Ali Arsanjani: A Metrics Suite for Evaluating Flexibility and Complexity in Service Oriented Architectures. ICSOC Workshops 2008: 41-52
26EEEphraim Feig, Liang-Jie Zhang, Ali Arsanjani, Zhiwei Xu: Services Computing in Action: Services Architectures. ICWS 2007
25EELiang-Jie Zhang, Ali Arsanjani, Abdul Allam, Dingding Lu, Yi-Min Chee: Variation-Oriented Analysis for SOA Solution Design. IEEE SCC 2007: 560-568
24EESri Ramanathan, Ali Arsanjani, Abdul Allam: Leveraging Context Aware Services to Transform Evolving Telecom Industry Business Model. IEEE SCC 2007: 668-669
23EEAbhijit Sur, Ali Arsanjani, Sri Ramanathan: SOA based Context Aware Services Infrastructure. IEEE SCC 2007: 688-689
22EEAli Arsanjani, Sri Ramanathan: Beyond SOA: Context-Aware Composite Services. IEEE SCC 2006: 514
21EEAli Arsanjani, Kerrie Holley: The Service Integration Maturity Model: Achieving Flexibility in the Transformation to SOA. IEEE SCC 2006: 515
20EEAli Arsanjani, Abdul Allam: Service-Oriented Modeling and Architecture for Realization of an SOA. IEEE SCC 2006: 521
19EEEphraim Feig, Ali Arsanjani, Cesar A. Gonzales, Zhiwei Xu: Experiences with Service Computing - A view from the Business World. IEEE SCC 2005
18EEAli Arsanjani: Empowering the business analyst for on demand computing. IBM Systems Journal 44(1): 67-80 (2005)
17EEAli Arsanjani, Francisco Curbera, Nirmal Mukhi: Manners Externalize Semantics for On-demand Composition of Context-aware Services. ICWS 2004: 583-590
16EEAli Arsanjani: Migrating to a Service-oriented Architecture with Web Services: Beyond the Hype. ICWS 2004
15 Ali Arsanjani: Explicit Representation of Service Semantics: Towards Automated Composition Through a Dynamically Re-Configurable Architectural Style for On Demand Computing. ICWS 2003: 34-37
14EEAli Arsanjani, Brent Hailpern, Joanne Martin, Peri L. Tarr: Web Services: Promises and Compromises. ACM Queue 1(1): (2003)
13EEAli Arsanjani: Business Compilers: Towards Supporting a Highly Re-Configurable Architectural Style for Service-Oriented Architecture. ICSM 2002: 287
12EEAli Arsanjani, James J. Alpigini, Hussein Zedan: Externalizing Component Manners to Achieve Greater Maintainability through a Highly Re-Configurable Architectural Style. ICSM 2002: 628-
11EEAli Arsanjani: Introduction. Commun. ACM 45(10): 30-34 (2002)
10EEKeith Levi, Ali Arsanjani: A goal-driven approach to enterprise component identification and specification. Commun. ACM 45(10): 45-52 (2002)
9EEAli Arsanjani: A Domain-Language Approach to Designing Dynamic Enterprise Component-Based Architectures to Support Business Services. TOOLS (39) 2001: 130-142
8EEAli Arsanjani: Developing Component-Based Software: Arming Yourself for the Full Lifecycle. TOOLS (39) 2001: 335
7EEAli Arsanjani: Patterns for Designing and Implementing Business Rules in Component-Based Systems. TOOLS (39) 2001: 369
6EEAli Arsanjani: Rule Pattern Language 2001: A Pattern Language for Adaptive Manners and Scalable Business Rule Design and Construction. TOOLS (39) 2001: 370-376
5EEAli Arsanjani, Gilda Pour: Component Architectures for Web-Based Enterprise Application Development. TOOLS (39) 2001: 406
4EEAli Arsanjani, Gilda Pour: Best Practices in Business Rule Design and Implementation. TOOLS (39) 2001: 407-408
3EEAli Arsanjani: Grammar-Oriented Object Design: Creating Adaptive Collaborations and Dynamic Configurations with Self-Describing Components and Services. TOOLS (39) 2001: 409-414
2EEAli Arsanjani: Design and Implementation of Business Rules in Object-Oriented Applications. TOOLS (33) 2000: 475
1EEAli Arsanjani: Analysis, Design and Implementation of Distributed Java Business Frameworks Using Domain Patterns. TOOLS (30) 1999: 490-500

Coauthor Index

1Abdul Allam [20] [24] [25]
2James J. Alpigini [12]
3Yi-Min Chee [25]
4Jane Cleland-Huang [27]
5Francisco Curbera [17]
6Ephraim Feig [19] [26]
7Cesar A. Gonzales [19]
8Brent Hailpern [14]
9Mamoun Hirzalla [27]
10Kerrie Holley [21]
11Keith Levi [10]
12Dingding Lu [25]
13Joanne Martin [14]
14Nirmal Mukhi [17]
15Gilda Pour [4] [5]
16Sri Ramanathan [22] [23] [24]
17Abhijit Sur [23]
18Peri L. Tarr [14]
19Zhiwei Xu [19] [26]
20Hussein Zedan (Hussein S. M. Zedan) [12]
21Liang-Jie Zhang [25] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)