
Philippe Even

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3EEStéphane Gobron, Denis Finck, Philippe Even, Bertrand Kerautret: Merging Cellular Automata for Simulating Surface Effects. ACRI 2006: 94-103
2 Philippe Even, Raymond Fournier, R. Gelin: Using Structural Knowledge for Interactive 3-D Modeling of Piping Environments. ICRA 2000: 2013-2018
1 Philippe Even, Lionel Marcé, Joël Morillon, Raymond Fournier: The Modelling System PYRAMIDE as an Interactive Help for the Guidance of the Inspection Vehichle CENTAURE. ISER 1989: 347-361

Coauthor Index

1Denis Finck [3]
2Raymond Fournier [1] [2]
3R. Gelin [2]
4Stéphane Gobron [3]
5Bertrand Kerautret [3]
6Lionel Marcé [1]
7Joël Morillon [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)