2008 |
7 | EE | Anagha Kulkarni,
Michael Heilman,
Maxine Eskenazi,
Jamie Callan:
Word Sense Disambiguation for Vocabulary Learning.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 500-509 |
6 | EE | Michael Heilman,
Maxine Eskenazi:
Self-assessment in Vocabulary Tutoring.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 656-658 |
2007 |
5 | | Michael Heilman,
Alan Juffs,
Maxine Eskenazi:
Choosing Reading Passages for Vocabulary Learning by Topic to Increase Intrinsic Motivation.
AIED 2007: 566-568 |
4 | EE | Michael Heilman,
Kevyn Collins-Thompson,
Jamie Callan,
Maxine Eskenazi:
Combining Lexical and Grammatical Features to Improve Readability Measures for First and Second Language Texts.
HLT-NAACL 2007: 460-467 |
2006 |
3 | EE | Jonathan Brown,
Maxine Eskenazi:
Using Simulated Students for the Assessment of Authentic Document Retrieval.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 685-688 |
2005 |
2 | EE | Jonathan Brown,
Gwen A. Frishkoff,
Maxine Eskenazi:
Automatic Question Generation for Vocabulary Assessment.
HLT/EMNLP 2005 |
2004 |
1 | EE | Antoine Raux,
Maxine Eskenazi:
Non-Native Users in the Let's Go!! Spoken Dialogue System: Dealing with Linguistic Mismatch.
HLT-NAACL 2004: 217-224 |