
Misha Tsodyks

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17EEOfer Melamed, Omri Barak, Gilad Silberberg, Henry Markram, Misha Tsodyks: Slow oscillations in neural networks with facilitating synapses. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 25(2): 308-316 (2008)
16EEBarak Blumenfeld, Dmitri Bibitchkov, Misha Tsodyks: Neural network model of the primary visual cortex: From functional architecture to lateral connectivity and back. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 20(2): 219-241 (2006)
15EEOmri Barak, Misha Tsodyks: Recognition by Variance: Learning Rules for Spatiotemporal Patterns. Neural Computation 18(10): 2343-2358 (2006)
14EEMisha Tsodyks, Yael Adini, Dov Sagi: Associative learning in early vision. Neural Networks 17(5-6): 823-832 (2004)
13 Alex Loebel, Misha Tsodyks: Computation by Ensemble Synchronization in Recurrent Networks with Synaptic Depression. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 13(2): 111-124 (2002)
12 Walter Senn, Henry Markram, Misha Tsodyks: An Algorithm for Modifying Neurotransmitter Release Probability Based on Pre- and Postsynaptic Spike Timing. Neural Computation 13(1): 35-67 (2001)
11EEGideon Dror, Misha Tsodyks: Activity of coupled excitatory and inhibitory neural populations with dynamic synapses. Neurocomputing 32-33: 359-364 (2000)
10EEGideon Dror, Misha Tsodyks: Chaos in neural networks with dynamic synapses. Neurocomputing 32-33: 365-370 (2000)
9 Udo Ernst, Klaus Pawelzik, Misha Tsodyks, Terrence J. Sejnowski: Relation Between Retinotopical and Orientation Maps in Visual Cortex. Neural Computation 11(2): 375-379 (1999)
8EEGideon Dror, Misha Tsodyks: Analysis and modeling of population dynamics in the visual cortex. Neurocomputing 26-27: 361-366 (1999)
7 Ofer Hendin, David Horn, Misha Tsodyks: Associative Memory and Segmentation in an Oscillatory Neural Model of the Olfactory Bulb. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 5(2): 157-169 (1998)
6 Walter Senn, Idan Segev, Misha Tsodyks: Reading Neuronal Synchrony with Depressing Synapses. Neural Computation 10(4): 815-819 (1998)
5 Misha Tsodyks, Klaus Pawelzik, Henry Markram: Neural Networks with Dynamic Synapses. Neural Computation 10(4): 821-835 (1998)
4 Walter Senn, Misha Tsodyks, Henry Markram: An Algorithm for Synaptic Modification Based on Exact Timing of Pre- and Post-Synaptic Action Potentials. ICANN 1997: 121-126
3 Henry Markram, Misha Tsodyks: The Information Content of Action Potential Trains - A Synaptic Basis. ICANN 1997: 13-23
2 Ofer Hendin, David Horn, Misha Tsodyks: The Role of Inhibition in an Associative Memory Model of the Olfactory Bulb. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 4(2): 173-182 (1997)
1 Misha Tsodyks, Henry Markram: Plasticity of Neocortical Synapses Enables Transitions between Rate and Temporal Coding. ICANN 1996: 445-450

Coauthor Index

1Yael Adini [14]
2Omri Barak [15] [17]
3Dmitri Bibitchkov [16]
4Barak Blumenfeld [16]
5Gideon Dror [8] [10] [11]
6Udo Ernst (Udo A. Ernst) [9]
7Ofer Hendin [2] [7]
8David Horn [2] [7]
9Alex Loebel [13]
10Henry Markram [1] [3] [4] [5] [12] [17]
11Ofer Melamed [17]
12Klaus Pawelzik (Klaus R. Pawelzik) [5] [9]
13Dov Sagi [14]
14Idan Segev [6]
15Terrence J. Sejnowski [9]
16Walter Senn [4] [6] [12]
17Gilad Silberberg [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)