
Branimir Seselja

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19EEBranimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: A note on atomistic weak congruence lattices. Discrete Mathematics 308(10): 2054-2057 (2008)
18EEBranimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic, Heiko Vogler: A note on cut-worthiness of recognizable tree series. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159(22): 3087-3090 (2008)
17EELéonard Kwuida, Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: On the MacNeille Completion of Weakly Dicomplemented Lattices. ICFCA 2007: 271-280
16EEBranimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Fuzzy Ordering Relation and Fuzzy Poset. PReMI 2007: 209-216
15EEBranimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Fuzzifying Closure Systems and Fuzzy Lattices. RSFDGrC 2007: 111-118
14EEBranimir Seselja: L-fuzzy covering relation. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158(22): 2456-2465 (2007)
13EEVladimír Janis, Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Non-standard cut classification of fuzzy sets. Inf. Sci. 177(1): 161-169 (2007)
12EEBjörn Borchardt, Andreas Maletti, Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic, Heiko Vogler: Cut sets as recognizable tree languages. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(11): 1560-1571 (2006)
11EELéonard Kwuida, Andreja Tepavcevic, Branimir Seselja: Negation in Contextual Logic. ICCS 2004: 227-241
10EEBranimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: A note on a natural equivalence relation on fuzzy power set. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 148(2): 201-210 (2004)
9EEBranimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Cut equivalence of fuzzy relations. EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 270-273
8EEBranimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Completion of ordered structures by cuts of fuzzy sets: an overview. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 136(1): 1-19 (2003)
7EEBranimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Representing ordered structures by fuzzy sets: an overview. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 136(1): 21-39 (2003)
6EEMarcel Erné, Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Posets Generated by Irreducible Elements. Order 20(1): 79-89 (2003)
5EEBranimir Seselja: Homomorphisms of poset-valued algebras. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 121(2): 333-340 (2001)
4EEBranimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Collection of Finite Lattices Generated by a Poset. Order 17(2): 129-139 (2000)
3EEBranimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: On generation of finite posets by meet-irreducibles. Discrete Mathematics 186(1-3): 269-275 (1998)
2 Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Reprresentation of Lattices by Fuzzy Sets. Inf. Sci. 79(3-4): 171-180 (1994)
1 Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Fuzzy Boolean Algebras. IWAR 1992: 83-88

Coauthor Index

1Björn Borchardt [12]
2Marcel Erné [6]
3Vladimír Janis [13]
4Léonard Kwuida [11] [17]
5Andreas Maletti [12]
6Andreja Tepavcevic [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
7Heiko Vogler [12] [18]

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