
John R. Ellis

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6EEJohn R. Ellis, David Detlefs: Safe, Efficient Garbage Collection for C++. C++ Conference 1994: 143-178
5 Brian N. Bershad, David D. Redell, John R. Ellis: Fast Mutual Exclusion for Uniprocessors. ASPLOS 1992: 223-233
4 Andrew W. Appel, John R. Ellis, Kai Li: Real-Time Concurrent Collection on Stock Multiprocessors PLDI 1988: 11-20
3EEJoseph A. Fisher, John R. Ellis, John C. Ruttenberg, Alexandru Nicolau: Parallel processing: a smart compiler and a dumb machine (with retrospective) Best of PLDI 1984: 112-124
2EEJoseph A. Fisher, John R. Ellis, John C. Ruttenberg, Alexandru Nicolau: Parallel processing: a smart compiler and a dumb machine. SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction 1984: 37-47
1 John R. Ellis, Nathaniel Mishkin, Mary-Claire Van Leunen, Steven R. Wood: Tools: An Environment for Time-Shared Computing and Programming. Softw., Pract. Exper. 13(10): 873-892 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Andrew W. Appel [4]
2Brian N. Bershad [5]
3David Detlefs [6]
4Joseph A. Fisher [2] [3]
5Mary-Claire Van Leunen [1]
6Kai Li [4]
7Nathaniel Mishkin [1]
8Alexandru Nicolau (Alex Nicolau) [2] [3]
9David D. Redell [5]
10John C. Ruttenberg [2] [3]
11Steven R. Wood [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)