
Herbert Fleischner

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25EEHerbert Fleischner, Egbert Mujuni, Daniël Paulusma, Stefan Szeider: Covering graphs with few complete bipartite subgraphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(21-23): 2045-2053 (2009)
24EEHerbert Fleischner, Egbert Mujuni, Daniël Paulusma, Stefan Szeider: Covering Graphs with Few Complete Bipartite Subgraphs. FSTTCS 2007: 340-351
23EEHerbert Fleischner, François Genest, Bill Jackson: Compatible circuit decompositions of 4-regular graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 56(3): 227-240 (2007)
22EEHerbert Fleischner, Stefan Szeider: On Edge-Colored Graphs Covered by Properly Colored Cycles. Graphs and Combinatorics 21(3): 301-306 (2005)
21EEMark N. Ellingham, Herbert Fleischner, Martin Kochol, Emanuel Wenger: Colorability of Planar Graphs with Isolated Nontriangular Faces. Graphs and Combinatorics 20(4): 443-446 (2004)
20EEHerbert Fleischner: Bipartizing matchings and Sabidussi's compatibility conjecture. Discrete Mathematics 244(1-3): 77-82 (2002)
19EEHerbert Fleischner, Martin Kochol: A note about the dominating circuit conjecture. Discrete Mathematics 259(1-3): 307-309 (2002)
18EEHerbert Fleischner, Robert R. Molina, Ken W. Smith, Douglas B. West: A Proof of the Two-path Conjecture. Electr. J. Comb. 9(1): (2002)
17 Herbert Fleischner, Oliver Kullmann, Stefan Szeider: Polynomial-time recognition of minimal unsatisfiable formulas with fixed clause-variable difference. Theor. Comput. Sci. 289(1): 503-516 (2002)
16EEHerbert Fleischner: (Some of) the many uses of Eulerian graphs in graph theory (plus some applications). Discrete Mathematics 230(1-3): 23-43 (2001)
15EEHerbert Fleischner, Stefan Szeider: Polynomial-Time Recognition of Minimal Unsatisfiable Formulas with Fixed Clause-Variable Difference Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 7(49): (2000)
14EELars Døvling Andersen, Herbert Fleischner, Susanne Regner: Algorithms and Outerplanar Conditions for A-trails in Plane Eulerian Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 85(2): 99-112 (1998)
13EEHerbert Fleischner: A numbering of the vertices of special networks. Discrete Mathematics 165-166: 263-276 (1997)
12EELars Døvling Andersen, Herbert Fleischner: The NP-completeness of Finding A-trails in Eulerian Graphs and of Finding Spanning Trees in Hypergraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 59(3): 203-214 (1995)
11EEHerbert Fleischner: Spanning eularian subgraphs, the splitting Lemma, and Petersen's theorem. Discrete Mathematics 101(1-3): 33-37 (1992)
10EEHerbert Fleischner, Michael Stiebitz: A solution to a colouring problem of P. Erdös. Discrete Mathematics 101(1-3): 39-48 (1992)
9EEHerbert Fleischner, Gert Sabidussi, Emanuel Wenger: Transforming eulerian trails. Discrete Mathematics 109(1-3): 103-116 (1992)
8 Herbert Fleischner, Gerhard J. Woeginger: Detecting Cycles Through Three Fixed Vertices in a Graph. Inf. Process. Lett. 42(1): 29-33 (1992)
7EEHerbert Fleischner, András Frank: On circuit decomposition of planar Eulerian graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 50(2): 245-253 (1990)
6EEHerbert Fleischner: Elementary proofs of (relatively) recent characterizations of Eulerian graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 24(1-3): 115-119 (1989)
5EEHerbert Fleischner, Bill Jackson: Compatible path-cycle-decompositions of plane graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 42(1): 94-121 (1987)
4EEHerbert Fleischner: Proof of the strong 2-Cover Conjecture for planar graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 40(2): 229-230 (1986)
3EEHerbert Fleischner: Even cycles with prescribed chords in planar cubic graphs. Discrete Mathematics 44(3): 275-280 (1983)
2EEHerbert Fleischner: Eulersche linien und Kreisüberdeckungen, die vorgegebene durchgänge in den Kanten vermeiden. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 29(2): 145-167 (1980)
1 Herbert Fleischner: On the Equivalence of Mealy-Type and Moore-Type Automata and a Relation between Reducibility and Moore-Reducibility. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 14(1): 1-16 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Lars Døvling Andersen [12] [14]
2Mark N. Ellingham [21]
3András Frank [7]
4François Genest [23]
5Bill Jackson [5] [23]
6Martin Kochol [19] [21]
7Oliver Kullmann [17]
8Robert R. Molina [18]
9Egbert Mujuni [24] [25]
10Daniël Paulusma [24] [25]
11Susanne Regner [14]
12Gert Sabidussi [9]
13Ken W. Smith [18]
14Michael Stiebitz [10]
15Stefan Szeider [15] [17] [22] [24] [25]
16Emanuel Wenger [9] [21]
17Douglas B. West [18]
18Gerhard J. Woeginger [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)