2008 |
16 | | Scott Livingston,
Jamie Garvey,
Itamar Elhanany:
On the Broad Implications of Reinforcement Learning based AGI.
AGI 2008: 478-482 |
15 | | Arun Nagari,
Itamar Elhanany,
Ben Thompson,
Fangxing Li,
Thomas King:
A Parallel Processing Architecture for Solving Large-Scale Linear Systems.
PDPTA 2008: 307-312 |
14 | EE | Julian Togelius,
Simon M. Lucas,
Ho Duc Thang,
Jonathan M. Garibaldi,
Tomoharu Nakashima,
Chin Hiong Tan,
Itamar Elhanany,
Shay Berant,
Philip Hingston,
Robert M. MacCallum,
Thomas Haferlach,
Aravind Gowrisankar,
Peter Burrow:
The 2007 IEEE CEC simulated car racing competition.
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 9(4): 295-329 (2008) |
13 | EE | Xike Li,
Itamar Elhanany:
Stability of a frame-based oldest-cell-first maximal weight matching algorithm.
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(1): 21-26 (2008) |
12 | EE | Richard Wunderlich,
Cuibi Liu,
Itamar Elhanany,
Tom Urbanik:
A Novel Signal-Scheduling Algorithm With Quality-of-Service Provisioning for an Isolated Intersection.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(3): 536-547 (2008) |
2007 |
11 | EE | Brad Matthews,
Itamar Elhanany,
Vahid Tabatabaee:
Accelerated Packet Placement Architecture for Parallel Shared Memory Routers.
Networking 2007: 797-807 |
2006 |
10 | EE | Brad Matthews,
Itamar Elhanany:
Scalable Hardware Architecture for Real-Time Dynamic Programming Applications.
FCCM 2006: 347-348 |
9 | EE | Itamar Elhanany,
Kurt Busch:
Is Time Ripe for Fabric on a Chip?
IEEE Computer 39(9): 112-113 (2006) |
8 | EE | Zhenzhen Liu,
Itamar Elhanany:
RL-MAC: a reinforcement learning based MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks.
IJSNet 1(3/4): 117-124 (2006) |
2005 |
7 | EE | Benjamin Arazi,
Itamar Elhanany,
Ortal Arazi,
Hairong Qi:
Revisiting Public-Key Cryptography for Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Computer 38(11): 103-105 (2005) |
6 | EE | Itamar Elhanany,
Derek Chiou,
Vahid Tabatabaee,
Raffaele Noro,
Ali Poursepanj:
The Network Processing Forum switch fabric benchmark specifications: an overview.
IEEE Network 19(2): 5-9 (2005) |
2004 |
5 | | Michael Kahane,
U. Barzilai,
Itamar Elhanany:
CWT: An Efficient Queue Urgency Metric with Application to High-Speed Packet Switching.
ICCCN 2004: 545 |
2003 |
4 | EE | Itamar Elhanany,
Vahid Tabatabaee:
Benchmarking Next-Generation Switch Fabrics.
IEEE Computer 36(10): 109-110 (2003) |
3 | EE | Itamar Elhanany,
Kurt Busch,
Derek Chiou:
Switch Fabric Interfaces.
IEEE Computer 36(9): 106-108 (2003) |
2001 |
2 | EE | Itamar Elhanany,
Michael Kahane,
Dan Sadot:
Packet Scheduling in Next-Generation Multiterabit Networks.
IEEE Computer 34(4): 104-106 (2001) |
2000 |
1 | | Itamar Elhanany,
Dan Sadot:
A Prioritized Packet Scheduling Architecture for Provision of Quality-of-Service in Tbit/sec WDM Networks.
ICC (2) 2000: 695-700 |