
Thomas King

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17EEHendrik Lemelson, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Rene Hansen, Thomas King: Error Estimation for Indoor 802.11 Location Fingerprinting. LoCA 2009: 138-155
16EEThomas Haenselmann, Marcel Busse, Stephan Kopf, Thomas King, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Multi perspective panoramic imaging. Image Vision Comput. 27(4): 391-401 (2009)
15EEHendrik Lemelson, Thomas King, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Pre-processing of fingerprints to improve the positioning accuracy of 802.11-based positioning systems. MELT 2008: 73-78
14EEThomas King, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard: Composcan: adaptive scanning for efficient concurrent communications and positioning with 802.11. MobiSys 2008: 67-80
13 Arun Nagari, Itamar Elhanany, Ben Thompson, Fangxing Li, Thomas King: A Parallel Processing Architecture for Solving Large-Scale Linear Systems. PDPTA 2008: 307-312
12EEThomas King, Thomas Haenselmann, Wolfgang Effelsberg: On-demand fingerprint selection for 802.11-based positioning systems. WOWMOM 2008: 1-8
11 Stephan Kopf, Fleming Lampi, Thomas King, M. Probst, Wolfgang Effelsberg: EDL-Editor: Eine Anwendung zur automatischen Aufbereitung von Vorlesungsvideos. DeLFI 2007: 33-44
10EEThomas Haenselmann, Thomas King, Marcel Busse, Wolfgang Effelsberg, Markus Fuchs: Scriptable Sensor Network Based Home-Automation. EUC Workshops 2007: 579-591
9EEThomas King, Thomas Haenselmann, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Deployment, Calibration, and Measurement Factors for Position Errors in 802.11-Based Indoor Positioning Systems. LoCA 2007: 17-34
8EEThomas King, Thomas Butter, Matthias Brantner, Stephan Kopf, Thomas Haenselmann, Alexander Biskop, Andreas Farber, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Distribution of Fingerprints for 802.11-Based Positioning Systems. MDM 2007: 224-226
7EEThomas King, Thomas Haenselmann, Stephan Kopf, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Overhearing the Wireless Interface for 802.11-Based Positioning Systems. PerCom 2007: 145-150
6EEThomas King, Thomas Butter, Thomas Haenselmann: Loc{lib, trace, eva, ana}: research tools for 802.11-based positioning systems. WINTECH 2007: 67-74
5EEStephan Kopf, Fleming Lampi, Thomas King, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Automatic scaling and cropping of videos for devices with limited screen resolution. ACM Multimedia 2006: 957-958
4EEStephan Kopf, Thomas King, Fleming Lampi, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Video color adaptation for mobile devices. ACM Multimedia 2006: 963-964
3 Stephan Kopf, Thomas King, Fleming Lampi, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Automatische Kamerasteuerung in Interaktiven Vorlesungen. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2006: 80-84
2EEThomas King, Stephan Kopf, Thomas Haenselmann, Christian Lubberger, Wolfgang Effelsberg: COMPASS: A probabilistic indoor positioning system based on 802.11 and digital compasses. WINTECH 2006: 34-40
1EEThomas King, Holger Fübetaler, Matthias Transier, Wolfgang Effelsberg: On the application of dead-reckoning to position-based routing for vehicular highway scenarios. CoNEXT 2005: 258-259

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Biskop [8]
2Matthias Brantner [8]
3Marcel Busse [10] [16]
4Thomas Butter [6] [8]
5Wolfgang Effelsberg [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15] [16]
6Itamar Elhanany [13]
7Andreas Farber [8]
8Holger Fübetaler [1]
9Markus Fuchs [10]
10Thomas Haenselmann [2] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [16]
11Rene Hansen [17]
12Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard [14] [17]
13Stephan Kopf [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [11] [16]
14Fleming Lampi [3] [4] [5] [11]
15Hendrik Lemelson [15] [17]
16Fangxing Li [13]
17Christian Lubberger [2]
18Arun Nagari [13]
19M. Probst [11]
20Ben Thompson [13]
21Matthias Transier [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)