
Thomas Ehrhard

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31EEAntonio Bucciarelli, Thomas Ehrhard, Giulio Manzonetto: A Relational Model of a Parallel and Non-deterministic lambda-Calculus. LFCS 2009: 107-121
30EEThomas Ehrhard: Differential Linear Logic and Processes. IFIP TCS 2008: 283
29EEThomas Ehrhard, Laurent Regnier: Uniformity and the Taylor expansion of ordinary lambda-terms. Theor. Comput. Sci. 403(2-3): 347-372 (2008)
28EEThomas Ehrhard, Olivier Laurent: Interpreting a Finitary Pi-calculus in Differential Interaction Nets. CONCUR 2007: 333-348
27EEAntonio Bucciarelli, Thomas Ehrhard, Giulio Manzonetto: Not Enough Points Is Enough. CSL 2007: 298-312
26EEThomas Ehrhard, Laurent Regnier: Böhm Trees, Krivine's Machine and the Taylor Expansion of Lambda-Terms. CiE 2006: 186-197
25EEThomas Ehrhard, Laurent Regnier: Differential interaction nets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 364(2): 166-195 (2006)
24EEThomas Ehrhard, Laurent Regnier: Differential Interaction Nets. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 123: 35-74 (2005)
23EEThomas Ehrhard: Finiteness spaces. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 15(4): 615-646 (2005)
22EEThomas Ehrhard, Laurent Regnier: The differential lambda-calculus. Theor. Comput. Sci. 309(1-3): 1-41 (2003)
21 Thomas Ehrhard: On Köthe Sequence Spaces and Linear Logic. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 12(5): 579-623 (2002)
20 Antonio Bucciarelli, Thomas Ehrhard: On phase semantics and denotational semantics: the exponentials. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 109(3): 205-241 (2001)
19 Antonio Bucciarelli, Thomas Ehrhard: On Phase Semantics and Denotational Semantics in Multiplicative-Additive Linear Logic. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 102(3): 247-282 (2000)
18EEThomas Ehrhard: A relative PCF-definability result for strongly stable functions and some corollaries. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 35: (2000)
17EEThomas Ehrhard: Parallel and serial hypercoherences. Theor. Comput. Sci. 247(1-2): 39-81 (2000)
16EENuno Barreiro, Thomas Ehrhard: Quantitative Semantics Revisited. TLCA 1999: 40-53
15 Thomas Ehrhard: A Relative PCF-Definability Result for Strongly Stable Functions and some Corollaries. Inf. Comput. 152(1): 111-137 (1999)
14 Thomas Ehrhard, Yves Lafont, Laurent Regnier: Foreword. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 8(6): 541 (1998)
13 Patrick Baillot, Vincent Danos, Thomas Ehrhard, Laurent Regnier: Timeless Games. CSL 1997: 56-77
12EEPatrick Baillot, Vincent Danos, Thomas Ehrhard, Laurent Regnier: Believe it or not, AJM's Games Model is a Model of Classical Linear Logic. LICS 1997: 68-75
11 Thomas Ehrhard: Projecting Sequential Algorithms on Strongly Stable Functions. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 77(3): 201-244 (1996)
10 Loïc Colson, Thomas Ehrhard: On Strong Stability and Higher-Order Sequentiality LICS 1994: 103-108
9 Antonio Bucciarelli, Thomas Ehrhard: Sequentiality in an Extensional Framework Inf. Comput. 110(2): 265-296 (1994)
8 Thomas Ehrhard: Hypercoherences: A Strongly Stable Model of Linear Logic. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 3(4): 365-385 (1993)
7 Antonio Bucciarelli, Thomas Ehrhard: A Theory of Sequentiality. Theor. Comput. Sci. 113(2): 273-291 (1993)
6 Thomas Ehrhard, Pasquale Malacaria: Stone Duality for Stable Functions. Category Theory and Computer Science 1991: 1-15
5 Antonio Bucciarelli, Thomas Ehrhard: Extensional Embedding of a Strongly Stable Model of PCF. ICALP 1991: 35-46
4 Antonio Bucciarelli, Thomas Ehrhard: Sequentiality and Strong Stability LICS 1991: 138-145
3 Thomas Ehrhard: Dictoses. Category Theory and Computer Science 1989: 213-223
2 Thomas Ehrhard: A Categorical Semantics of Constructions LICS 1988: 264-273
1 Thierry Coquand, Thomas Ehrhard: An Equational Presentation of Higher Order Logic. Category Theory and Computer Science 1987: 40-56

Coauthor Index

1Patrick Baillot [12] [13]
2Nuno Barreiro [16]
3Antonio Bucciarelli [4] [5] [7] [9] [19] [20] [27] [31]
4Loïc Colson [10]
5Thierry Coquand [1]
6Vincent Danos [12] [13]
7Yves Lafont [14]
8Olivier Laurent [28]
9Pasquale Malacaria [6]
10Giulio Manzonetto [27] [31]
11Laurent Regnier [12] [13] [14] [22] [24] [25] [26] [29]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)